"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms."1 Peter 4:10
I believe that the beauty of Jesus Christ is not all that he has done for us. PLEASE don't get me wrong, I am thankful for that but what I find to be awesome is that he has empowered me has a sinner to live out his will for planet earth. I believe that God has such a plan for his people that we have no ability to know what it is. I believe that taking that first step is hard and after that we see more and more. I knew when I gave my life over to Christ that youth ministry was the direction I wanted to go. I will be honest I was scared and I wasn't sure what I was doing. In fact I still don't know to this day. It was just funny to me that's what I knew I was to do. I also knew God didn't want me to hop around building programs but to shape and take the least of these and empower them to follow the will of God.

Since school has started it has been amazing to watch my group of kids that were the trouble makers. My church is a Church open to all people and trust me they come. The kids that were the trouble makers have made a huge turn around because of a foster home that is not even open. It started with an idea and then all of our leaders were talking one day about the student who are always in trouble and what we could do different. It hit us, at camp all they said was "this is like a family, we have this no where else." It was time for our youth group to stop being a stupid program and become a family. This meant that we were going to have to step it up and stop thinking about how we felt and empower these students like Jesus. We did just that and it was messy and hard. I had a few students leave because of it but it was time for Paradox Student Ministry to live up to it's name. We must be different and we must love. The foster home became our church on Sunday afternoons. I knew it was a perfect match when I talked with Tim and then was able to see how he worked with the students.
A young man for the first time had blisters on his hand because of a saw and cutting down a tree limb. What was so good about that? His dad passed away when he was eight, no one has ever taking the time to teach him....he was proud of that blister and took a picture. Another young man that hated getting dirty went walking through a muddy pond so that he could help clean it out, and two girls found a trash dumpster and pulled it out. 

I have found that we started serving in away that we never had before and our students have a found a purpose. I am seeing more and more that we must empower this generation to serve one another in love in order for people to see Jesus. Words are cheap now but action speaks for its self. When I look at that hand, I no longer see that hand as the hand of some teenager who did something good. That is the hand of Jesus. Our youth group should never be just a group for silly games, but a family of believers reaching out to others in need. To me as their youth pastor I have three things that I try to help them with. 1. A personal relationship with Jesus 2. A servants heart 3. Their education. I am not there to be cool, my job is to empower and help direct them in the right direction.
It's time to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to love those who are in need of love!
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