He is our God" and since he is our God what does he command from you and I? For so many people the Bible has more to do with what we are to do and not to do. I believe most of us would understand "the rules" but do we truly understand what it takes to live as our God? We read about his son on the cross and how to the end he loved. He was a man that was spit on and looked down on. Before we he was sent to that cross he was beat and was a savior that went last so you and I could be first. The cross is something that should be celebrated by his people and at the same time we should show the cross to others.
I believe the one thing that would have changed my life growing up would be someone showing me the cross. I must admit, it is so hard to show. We make it seem easy but it's not. That day on the cross it was so much more then just a man hanging there....it was man hanging there calling us out of death and into life. To think at one point I was dead and now I am alive is not easy to understand. But what I do understand is that my life should show the same dedication.
In 2010 when I look around I ask myself is this what God had in mind? I know God knew what would happen and what is to happen. But the last couple of weeks with an earth quake in Haiti and mud slides in California it makes you think for a minute, is this the way God wanted? I believe the answer is NO! However I am understanding what God wants more and more.... I believe he wants the cross to be a blazing light in a dark world. When I read about human tracking I ask myself, "What can I do?" I believe showing that God is love and allow the cross to do it's job will make the true difference.

The last year of my life I believe I have made a huge change in how I think and believe. I believe so many times we make the cross selfish and we feel that God is most satisfied when we feel good. I am understanding more and more, when I don't feel very comfortable that is when God has me right where he wants me. Please hear me, I am not saying we are bad people because we want the American dream. I am saying I believe God has something bigger for you and I. I believe it has more to do with how we respond!
So with Haiti how will I respond? We'll last week I did my # whatever to give but I believe I am going to follow the lead of a fifteen year old I know. He was at lunch one day and was thinking about the people in a land of poverty and distress and how they were living before an earthquake. So he made the choice to still take the lunch money from his parents but use that to give to a fund. His friends started follow his lead and now there is a lunch table at a local school with a bunch of students who throw there lunch money and a bucket and have started to fast from food one meal so someone else could get the help they needed.
You see at the cross we find something more then just love, we see what sacrifice should look like. I have kids in our youth group that is going to start fasting so that they can give. I believe with all of my heart God has called his people to so much more then just living a life and Going to a Bible study so we can grow spiritually. I believe we must receive from him so we can give to others. I now believe that is a time for God to show up and rescue his people from what Satan meant for evil. This is our chance to fulfill the will of God and to open our eyes to what God has for you and I.
1John 7-8My dear friends, I'm not writing anything new here. This is the oldest commandment in the book, and you've known it from day one. It's always been implicit in the Message you've heard. On the other hand, perhaps it is new, freshly minted as it is in both Christ and you—the darkness on its way out and the True Light already blazing!

The last year of my life I believe I have made a huge change in how I think and believe. I believe so many times we make the cross selfish and we feel that God is most satisfied when we feel good. I am understanding more and more, when I don't feel very comfortable that is when God has me right where he wants me. Please hear me, I am not saying we are bad people because we want the American dream. I am saying I believe God has something bigger for you and I. I believe it has more to do with how we respond!
So with Haiti how will I respond? We'll last week I did my # whatever to give but I believe I am going to follow the lead of a fifteen year old I know. He was at lunch one day and was thinking about the people in a land of poverty and distress and how they were living before an earthquake. So he made the choice to still take the lunch money from his parents but use that to give to a fund. His friends started follow his lead and now there is a lunch table at a local school with a bunch of students who throw there lunch money and a bucket and have started to fast from food one meal so someone else could get the help they needed.
You see at the cross we find something more then just love, we see what sacrifice should look like. I have kids in our youth group that is going to start fasting so that they can give. I believe with all of my heart God has called his people to so much more then just living a life and Going to a Bible study so we can grow spiritually. I believe we must receive from him so we can give to others. I now believe that is a time for God to show up and rescue his people from what Satan meant for evil. This is our chance to fulfill the will of God and to open our eyes to what God has for you and I.
My prayer: Dear God please help us and rescue us from ourselves and what we believe to be comfortable. God show us what it means to carry our own cross.
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