March 25, 2010

Listen to Our Hearts

Me and Jeff always make the joke that it should be required that everyone who goes into ministry should spend a year in youth ministry. It's a ministry that will rip you apart and in the same day make understand why you do what you do. You go home tired and asking if you can continue and then some how God has that ability to show you why you got into this area of ministry. You hear people talk about rest and wonder if that day will ever come to you. When you return from a trip such as camp or a mission trip people ask "How was you vacation?" Since most youth pastors are part-time, we use a week of vacation time to make sure students get to experience God at camp. As you get older people are always asking "so when will you become a pastor?" Youth ministry is a ministry to where you beg God to listen to your heart.

That punk kid that thinks it is funny to put post-it notes all over your car. My favorite is when they take all of your clothing at camp and you are left with nothing but what you have on. When a students found out that he got his girl friend pregnant and he is telling all the students that the turtle rescue center reminds him about new life and we all think he is having a huge spiritual moment when is reality he is not sure what to do or think. An elder comes in to tell you that one of your junior high kids is enjoying a smoke break while everyone else is worshiping, you beg God to listen to your heart.

When people say you have favorites because a kid is responding to the Gospel and then when that student leaves those who said he was your favorite take credit for God's work. Giving that student a chance on the worship team when he sucks, just to see God work. Having a student take drugs at a camp and the next day you baptize him and year later he is still around, all because you were able to see God in him. Getting news that a student joined a gang and others are now selling drugs at school. A senior who fall off the deep end and they blame you because of the lack of time you spent with him. Having people tell you that you that you spend to much time on those who are messed up and at the same time having someone tell you that you only spend time with the good kids. You start to ask God "Are you listening to my heart?"

The fatherless teenager who finds his heavenly father all because of the extra fifteen minutes you spend each week. Building a relationship with a student by picking them up daily from swim practice and having the same student ask if you can buy a spedo for them. A new student sticking around all because you know his name and you understand where he is coming from. Having a group of students who come because of other students and none of them attend another church and they are raw, but fun. A red head sixth grader who doesn't say much but you see God in him. Telling students you will have an allnighter when hell freezes over. When you see all of this you start to understand that God is listening to your heart.

I am spending some time reflecting on the past five years and I am going to start writing about them. I never knew how many emotions a youth pastor went through and how many stories I have. Tonight as I was eating ice cream with a group of kids and then off to wingstop because they twisted my arm I felt God there. A young man that I had been praying for that didn't attend for a while shows back up hugs me and says "Did you miss me?" The answer is yes and I am reminded of the lost son. A girl who is told she is ugly and you make the comment that she is pretty and it makes her day you start to see God at work.

I am not sure what will ever happen with what I write but I do know it's time to allow these stories to become Gods stories and not just mine.

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