I must say that this was the best camp that I have had in many different ways. It was awesome to worship with students and churches from around Abilene, Austin, and Waco. I believe what made it awesome for me was seeing Mission Students worship and see something new. I had second thoughts this past year on my calling and if I was in God's will. I felt like I was working and I just wasn't seeing any fruit. This past week God really worked on my heart and showing me that there is a time to harvest, water, and see fruit. A room full of guys who didn't want to room together found a new friendship and bond, a student that wasn't going to come signed up the last minute and gave his life to Christ after raising his and feeling the power of God and crying on my shoulder to tell me he found christ, three were baptized, and others starting to understand the power of God and his love.

As I spent time looking at my students I for some reason started understanding how God loved me. I knew it when it came to teaching it, but hard for me to understand. I remember I was praying to God and him telling me to be quite and listen. I just started hearing...I love you, I love You, I love You, I love You...then right after the wroship team went into oh How he loves me.
I believe God is doing something new with in our youth in abilene. I am so amazed how they hate the big and love the small. I even had a couple of our youth talk about how they love that we are medium size because they do not get lost in the crowd. Once again this year I kept hearing that we were like a family they never had. I couldn't help but praise God for him having me right where I was at.
I was also thinking God that I had stood through the trials and not walk away and leave. There were many moments last year where I felt alone. I believe it was a gift from God to see them Worship and give all they had to God.
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