September 26, 2010


Many times in life we are simply not real and we have a difficult time looking past our own needs and desires. Several years back I went on a mission trip to Mexico. While we were there we came in contact with this little boy. He was around 12 and we found out that he lived in a park by himself. It was awesome to watch this little boy while we worked at this church. Our youth group built a relationship with him and it was awesome to see. However with some adults he was simply in the way and would complain about him. I was amazed that teenagers were so accepting of this kid, but shocked that adults would simply rather him be gone. It wasn't every adult but a small group who continued to complain. I watched a group of teenagers get upset because of how this little boy was being treated.

Our last day we went to this park to have some fun. I remember the kids asked if they could bring this little boy and they were told no. When we were gone he went in and took all of our food and cash that we had left there in what we though was a safe place. When the adults found out they threw a fit and kicked this little boy out and shut the gates. I was upset, but yet I didn't say anything. At that point I saw a group of teenage boys cry and become angry because of how this kid was treated. In all reality we are not sure if he did it or not. But at the same time we were there to minister and that group of teens understood that. When the gate was shut you heard the little boys say "you are like all other American's. The group of teens went to that boy and one understood just enough Spanish to communicate with the boy. They spoke about God's love and grace.

So I believe there comes a point to where we need to take one for the team. Do I believe stealing is right? Well no! But at the same time this is all this boy knew. But what scares me the most is wondering if he knew who Jesus was.

Galatians 6:12-18 Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised. The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13Not even those who are circumcised obey the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your flesh. 14May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation. 16Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God.
 17Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.
 18The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen
What I saw that day was a group of people taking a stand for what is right. So when do we lay it all out on the table? When someone who is not in the family is being hurt by our actions. In all reality he wasn't stealing from us at was from God. Do I believe we should confront people with this behavior? Yes! But with love. We are so worried about what world sees and not what God sees. It seems like we have a cure or an answer for behavior that people have but yet we simply choose not to love. I never have seen Christ upset with those who were the outsiders. But I read multiple times where he is upset at those who simply no better and then continue to hurt the kingdom.

So I am saying this, we must be careful at how we handle things. Youth ministry has been able to teach me allot on this. When I have a kid who comes to church high, I want to communicate to him are more then welcome to come here anytime, but I want to sit and tell you about someone who is better then that drug you are on. I had a student who could not figure out why his teach didn't send him to the office when he was in the classroom high. You see one of my students turned that kid in, this is before he even came to church. He was busted, but that teacher wanted to pray for him because he knew Christ was he was missing. That young man has been clean for seven months and started coming to church. The kid who turned him in told him at church one day. After being told the young man looked at him and said "thank you for loving me."  His mother does a drug test every two weeks. I am not sure if he knows who the lord is, but he is closer and closer.

The question is When?? It is simple when you know for sure God tells you when! My prayer is that we would seek God first before trying to fix things! That young man I couldn't fix, but at the same time when someone is being hurt by the church we must take a stand for what is right. Both should always be done out of pure love for Christ and his children.    


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