October 28, 2010

Poverty Is a Lie

The following was taken from Compassion's Blog. Please sponsor a child today by going to Compassion's Website.

Part of what forms our definition of poverty and our holistic approach to ministry is the recognition that poverty can be an internal condition resulting from an external message of oppression.

“At its very core, poverty is a mindset that goes far beyond the tragic circumstances. It is the cruel, destructive message that gets whispered into the ears of millions by the enemy Satan himself: ‘Give up! You don’t matter. Nobody cares about you. Look around you: Things are terrible. Always have been, always will be. Think back. Your grandfather was a failure. Your parents couldn’t protect or take care of you. Now it’s your turn. You, too, will fail. So just give up!’” — Wess Stafford

The internal condition of poverty is one of disempowerment, fatalism, hopelessness and lack of initiative. The person in this condition will often be a victim of his circumstances rather than an agent of positive change in his community. That person’s extremely low self-view will translate into a low regard for others and likely into damaged relationships. Damaged relationships then reciprocate and reinforce the message of worthlessness.

The belief that “it won’t get any better” may undermine initiative. It may not matter how many opportunities are created, because the effort of striving, risking and capitalizing on those opportunities requires a belief in the possibility of a better future. The majority of individuals in that state are incapable of transformational development. To sum it up in one word, they lack hope, and hope is a major engine of growth and wellness.

The marred identity includes a self-view of powerlessness, of being victim to circumstance, of not only low self-esteem but also a projection of low value on others in the community.

 When one sees poverty as having its root in human identity [self-concept], then it profoundly impacts the strategies chosen for development. When one defines poverty primarily as an internal condition resulting from external devaluing messages, it holds significant implications for poverty-fighting strategies. One must ask:

  • How and when did the internal condition become entrenched?
  • How can “the lie” be exposed and the person freed from its oppression?
  • Can we prevent it from being heard or being believed?
It also becomes clear that when the lie is deeply entrenched in adults it is difficult to reverse. However, intervening early in childhood offers the best opportunity to reverse or prevent the lie from gaining traction in the identity-shaping stages of human development. There are pivotal moments in human development, defining moments, that shape long-term self view and identity. Those pivotal moments must be won by truth and not by “the lie.”

  • The lie speaks in abuse; the truth must protect.
  • The lie speaks by ignoring; the truth must listen.
  • The lie criticizes; the truth must praise.
  • The voice of truth must carry throughout the early and most vulnerable stage of human development to break the power of the lie.
 The statement “poverty is a lie” is not meant to deny the reality of poverty. Poverty is absolutely real. Nor is the statement meant to imply that overcoming poverty is as simple as a change of mind. And the statement certainly does not mean to blame the victim in the sense that they were the person who chose to believe the lie. Rather, the concept conveys the idea that we are surrounded by false messages about who we are — about our nature, power and value. These messages mask the truth of our identity:

We are people made in the image of God, granted unique talents by God and capable of receiving the Holy Spirit. We are dearly loved by God.

All of us believe “the lie” to some degree, but for the poor it is debilitating.

Courtesy of Compassion International: http://blog.compassion.com/poverty-is-a-lie/#ixzz13gO1jIxR

October 26, 2010

City Connexx

Ok well I am planning on writing something different tonight. But I wanted to tell anyone who has a youth group or college group and you plan to take a Mission Trip in the states, please look into City Connexx. They are in partnership with Compassion International. I have been working with Dean and his staff and it has been amazing how helpful he is. Also the whole trip is based off of your skills and gifts.

I am not getting a discount or paid to write this. We are simply planning our Spring Break Mission trip to Denver Co. They have trips all around the country. Just a heads up to all of you.

October 25, 2010

Spring Break Mission Trip

For the next couple of months I will be working with City Connexx in planning our Mission Trip to Denver CO. I am supper excited about this trip and pray that God will use our students to reach those we serve. I also pray that God will teach our students, leaders, and myself how love people the way he loves people.

We do not have all the details set in stone just yet, but around the first we will start rolling out the details. We will make a visit and tour or Compassion International. Plus we will have a few surprises for our students.

Please pray for us and pray that God's will is done.

It's a Gift

Romans 4-4-6 When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have earned. 5 But people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners. 6 David also spoke of this when he described the happiness of those who are declared righteous without working for it:

The more and more I read the more I understand that this life and my salvation is a gift from God that I can not understand.  Call me crazy but at times I sit back and ask myself is this real? When you look around the world you see evil. But when you look into the evil you are able to see God at work. Even when we do not understand God has a plan. It's simple God is simply able to see some things that you and I can't.

I have a deep love for history for many reasons. The biggest reason is because you are able to see God's work. The fact that Christianity started in America around 1646 with the arrival of the Quakers in Pennsylvania. July 4, 1776 52 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were devoted to ministry. The other three had believed that the Bible was truth. Now in 2010 you can still see God at work in our world.

There is a revival taken place in China and it is because people are taken a risk a true risk to serve these people. The underground Church is the reason that we are able to witness God do a miracle in that country. You can read that even this month it is a fight. But no matter what there is still revival taken place.

My point is that we can look into history and see that God has a will and a plan. God hasn't left, he just simply does it his way. We can also see that this is a gift from God. To live in a country to worship freely is a gift. To have a choice is a gift, and our salvation is the best gift from God.

October 21, 2010

Child Sponsorship Is About Relationship Building

Before Compassion Philippines hired Tours and Visits Specialists, I used to handle Sponsor Tours. I did my best to take good care of the visiting sponsors. I talked about my country, Filipino children and how Compassion operates here. I had three favorite lines that I shared with sponsors. The first two were, “You are our heroes,” and “Thanks for making Filipino children happy.” I meant those words. I am truly amazed that people from miles away share their lives with children living in obscure, squalid squatter colonies in the Philippines. Then, the third line, “Sponsorship is not about the money you give but about the lives and relationships you build.”This was not just a clever thing to say. It’s a profound statement that I learned from the children themselves. I’ve seen that our children are more concerned about building their relationship with you than the help they get.

“I did not receive any reply letters from my first two sponsors. I felt sad. It’s as though I was writing to a fictitious person, an imaginary friend. So just think how happy I was when I Publish Post received my first reply letter from my third and present sponsor.

“I can’t explain how excited I was that time. It’s not only me who gets excited whenever I receive a letter from my sponsor, my mom, too. And I am so happy because in every letter I received, stickers with verses in it were also enclosed.

“Other than reading their letters, I get to know them well, too, by looking at the pictures they send me. The feeling of being connected to a part of your family far from you makes you feel more loved.

"Communication is really a big thing in strengthening the bond that binds a sponsor and a child together.

"The best types of letters from sponsors are the ones that tell something about themselves and their lives. It would be better if the sponsors can tell a bit more about themselves. A brief summary of his/her life means a lot to the sponsored child.

“It can be as simple as writing what kind of place they live in, what kind of work they have, what they do in their free time and even their favorite stuff. It would be nice if children learn about their sponsors from other countries or other backgrounds and see how different, or surprisingly familiar, their lives, issues and dreams are.

“Acknowledging the achievements that the child has shared can also be of help in building a better relationship. In this way, the sponsor could learn more about the interests of the child and would give deeper support. Praises will always make one feel good.

“Although the children are thankful for the blessings they are receiving, it is inevitable for the sponsored children to be curious about how their sponsors can manage to sustain themselves, and at the same time lend their hands to those who are far away from their country. In this way, by sharing, the ‘stranger’ barrier between sponsor and sponsored child will slowly disappear, although the two have not yet met.

“And of course, inspirational and enlightening words coming from sponsors would definitely contribute greatly to the sponsored child. By sharing their relationship with Jesus Christ and sharing their prayer requests, sponsors develop themselves and their children spiritually. Words from a sponsor, despite the physical absence, can be a source of encouragement and inspiration for the sponsored child to be a better instrument for God.

“Indeed, response letters from our sponsors really bring a feeling of gladness to us.” — Rona
I went to CCWI-Frisco Student Center, and asked many sponsored kids this question: “How can your sponsor be a better sponsor?”

There were some children who hoped for more gifts, but I was not surprised that most of the children talked about your letters and knowing you more.
Here are some of their responses.

“I want my sponsor to write me always and occasionally send some greeting cards. I want to know about his family, what his home looks like, and what his country looks like. I also want to know how he met his wife and about their baby.” — Zarrah

“I love it that my sponsor never forgets to write me letters. I know he always thinks about me. I’d like it if he would send a picture of himself and his family. I want to know what they look like.” — Raffy

“What I really love about my sponsor is that she is very friendly and always writes about what is going on in her life. I would like my sponsor to write me more about her future plans, hobbies, and what she does during her free time. I hope she will never forget to write me and pray for me.” — Pauline

“I hope that my sponsor can come visit so I can personally ask him how he is doing. I want to talk to him in person. I will tell him many things about the Philippines.” — Michaelangelo

“I really, really hope my sponsors will come visit me. I will cook my special spaghetti for them, as well as chicken adobo.” — Anjanette

“It captures my interest a lot whenever he tells stories about his wife who is a Filipina. I’m excited to know when they could have a baby.” — Jhemaica

“What I like most about everything she writes is how she tells me to walk on God’s path. I also like it when she praises my talent, my personality and everything I do is a blessing to her. She writes mostly about her work in a camp and how she spends her time with her husband. One thing I’m curious about my sponsor is if she’s pregnant because she’s been married for almost two years now and I still haven’t read in her letters of them having a baby.” — Hallelujah

“I appreciate it whenever she writes her experiences in her country. She even tells me her stories about God that make me feel inspired. I just want to know how she would react if I flunked in one of my subjects at school. What is she going to tell me if ever that would happen? Sounds funny but I am so curious to know.” — Ryann

“‘I am truly blessed by God. That’s what my sponsor tells me whenever I receive her letters. My sponsor and I often talk about our latest activities. She even shares to me the activities of her children. I am very much eager to know why she chose to sponsor a Filipino child instead of children from other countries.” — Precious

“I can feel the love and care whenever I read the letter from my sponsor. I feel glad when she tells me that she is really proud of me. She gives me inspiration when she shares about how God has helped her to overcome her hardships. I want to know more about her family especially about her sibling who she mentioned once in her letter.” — Christine

“I like it when my sponsors tell me that I’ve become an amazing man now. And they are very encouraged because they said that I’ve grown up just like the person they thought I would become. They also serve as my inspiration especially every time I read in their letters the ways God has helped them in all their circumstances in life. They always tell me to pray to God, most especially in time of hardships because God is always ready to help. I want to know why they wanted to sponsor a child.” — Jake

“I feel motivated when my sponsor tells in her letter that she is proud of my achievements. I also feel happy when she says that I am beautiful. She often tells me stories about her grandchildren. She tells me how naughty they are. She loves her grandchildren so much. One thing I want to know is why she chose me to be her sponsored child.” — Jackielyn

“I am inspired by the letters my sponsor sends me. He often tells me stories of God’s greatness to Him. He also tells me about his family and the things he likes to do. I want to know the qualities of a sponsored child he looked for when he chose me to be his sponsored child.” — Precious

“My sponsor always sends me greetings and holiday cards. It feels like I am physically with them during special occasions when I actually am not. She really loves me and shows care for me in each of her letters. I am curious to know how it feels to live in their country. Is it like also here in the Philippines?” — Christopher

“My sponsor likes to write her life experiences even in her young age. I came to the extent that I become interested to learn how to swim because her sport is swimming and she often shares to me how she enjoys doing it. I am curious to know the kind of school she goes to. I even want to know if we have the same subjects at school.” — Kristine

“I enjoy reading my sponsor’s letters because I really feel that I am a part of their family. I want them to come visit me so that I can finally meet them and personally thank them up close and tell them how I am so grateful that they are my sponsors.” — Brenlyn

“I know my sponsors are always praying for me. They always pray for my health. I just recovered from tuberculosis. I just hope that they will write more often. I really love them.” — Maricor

“I really want to know something about my sponsor and how she is doing in life. I am thankful that I just know that she is there supporting me and my studies.” — Noemi
Remember my third-favorite statement: “Sponsorship is not about the money you give but about the lives and relationships you build.”

I asked a formerly sponsored child who can write well the same question, “How can your sponsor be a better sponsor?”

She is Rachel Valenzuela. She just graduated from the Child Sponsorship Program and is now a schoolteacher. This is what she answered.

According to Rick Warren, the best use of life is love. I personally witnessed how sponsors best used their lives by extending their love to the children, including me. However, being sponsors is not enough and it will never represent the totality of the sponsorship because there is still the need to express love through time.

When they accepted the responsibility as sponsors, it is a must to set a time for letter writing. It is through this [letter writing] that the sponsored children will be updated about them. It is through this effort that children will know that they are greatly appreciated in terms of stories, accomplishments and so on. Remember, children are some of the best story-tellers.

So, I challenge [the sponsors] to reply immediately after receiving their letters because such responses mean a lot to [the children]. I was once a kid so I knew the feeling of patiently waiting for replies.

I discourage [the sponsors] to discuss busyness in their letters because it may affect what the children would think. Talk about what the sponsored children wrote in their recent letters because this will motivate the children to share their wonderful experiences and it will assure them that their sponsors do read their letters.

Send recent pictures whether being asked or not because pictures do excite children to know more about their sponsors.

Improve penmanship because this may affect the feeling of the children upon receiving their letters.

Always send spiritual icons to the children because they view sponsors as God-given gifts. They put so much trust, respect, and admiration in their sponsors. Thus, they expect the sponsors to include amazing things on how God changes them every moment of their lives. Giving memory verses from the Bible will help children to understand what sponsors like to share with their spiritual involvements and convictions.

Simply put, sponsors will become better sponsors if they will take on extended responsibilities. Becoming better is a process; it will never be instant. This is not to belittle sponsors but to simply allow them to know any possible gaps they have had in the past, and inform them about the important points to consider in expressing their love to their chosen children.

Courtesy of Compassion International: http://blog.compassion.com/relationship-building-through-child-sponsorship/#ixzz133hSHFoy

October 20, 2010

Nailing it to the cross

Colossians 2:13-15 13When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature,[b] God made you[c] alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. 15And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

When you really sit down and think about it, you can not explain the power of the cross. So many times we will worship but yet we are simply looking to feel good. I believe that Christ has a way to comfort us. When you look at the cross do you see comfort?

I sit here thinking about what my savior had to go through so that my sins would be nailed to the cross and forgiving. At the same time I have fear, my fear is not heaven or hell. My fear is that we simply worship out of our emotions. We forget worship is an action not an emotion. Do we give when it really hurts? Do we seek to find those who not know about the loving grace of Jesus Christ? Better yet do we simply try to earn his grace and mercy?

Allot of questions I have, my fear is that we simply love the idea of Jesus but we simply do not have a clue of who he is. He is a God who has a deep love for all of us and is willing to do whatever it takes for his children see that love.

The cross is not just some symbol that we see at church, the cross is life! The cross is what gives us hope when everything thing else has gone wrong. The cross doesn't promise a million dollars, but it does give us the peace for today.

My prayer is that I would true see the cross for what it really is. The cross is not about death, the cross is what brings us life

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell.
The third day He arose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.

October 19, 2010

My Story Part 1

Most of my life was spent trying to find the meaning of life. Since I can remember I always been a seeker and always asking what is next. I can tell you that being this way is a gift, but I have learned that just because you have this gift doesn't mean it is easy. In school I didn't cuss, smoke, do any drugs, or drink allot. I at one point started going down the drinking path but stopped. To help tell my Story I will use a couple of notes I have received from family members that I received on a Walk to Emmaus I went on this past weekend.

"You are just the person I expected you to become. Always so determined to do what you want. As a little boy no one could change your mind. You had an idea of the way things should be and tried to make them that way."

"I remember you being a sweet quite young boy who loved to play with your cousins. You were just not sure about things"

Those two quote pretty much sum up who I was growing up. I have always had away of going for what I want and not thinking twice about it. I write this as someone who is still a.d.d. and has dyslexia (I just had to use spell check on that word) I struggle through school and honestly had a fear I would not become anything but a uneducated fool. I lost my dad at the age of 15 because of alcoholism and fell into a weird state of mind.

Through all of that I never stopped seeking. I went through a time to where I didn't believe that God was there and he was just something that we made up as humans. At the age of five an old bitter preacher gave me my first Bible and asked if I was to die would I go to heaven or hell?? I didn't know what to say so I remained quite. He told me to read that Bible, I couldn't read at all I was five. So I had the fear of hell but had no clue how to get out of it because I couldn't read. I would love to say I had allot of respect for that guy, but i don't. I will tell you this I started seeking God.

My aunt and uncle always had the ability to show me the love of Christ. To this day they still love me unconditionally. I met a youth pastor who started to share the Gospel with me in school. Friends who started to show me that it wasn't about being "good." I still had a struggle though, I thought I had to read my whole Bible. I tried, I really did...nothing. At this point is when I thought to myself, this God is not real. My grandfather who was a drunk accepted Christ into his life after my dad passed away. I started thinking to myself, Maybe their is a God?? I started asking questions. All of my friends were Christians, but not me! I acted like I was one. I went to church, but I didn't believe.

After September 11th is when I decided that there was a need for me to accept Christ. It changed me BIG TIME! I knew God had a calling and it had to do with young people. This is what I started to see....

One old man made me go through several different emotions because of fear. The love Beautiful Feet of Christ made me follow and see Jesus for myself. The feet were from his people and those who choose to follow him.

15 years I was seeking Christ, but something I learned not to long ago. Christ was seeking me way before I was seeking him. He made the choice to adopt me into his family.

More to come later this week!      

October 18, 2010

What a Ride

I went on a Walk to Emmaus this past weekend. I will have to admit that I do not have the ability to even put into words what took place in my heart. Did I get allot of rest? NO! How can you when the emotions are flying around from laughter to tears. For the first time I had the ability to  experience the understanding of God grace through people. I was surrounded with a group of men who were broken and beat up and the love that we received from the workers showed me that they were true men of God. The beautiful part was they were broken as well and 100% honest about it.

The person who was praying for me was my an old teacher from school. He just simply picked the name with out looking and it was my name. The grace of God was shown in away that I have never experienced. For whatever reason grace is the only word I can use now. Thank you all for praying for me!       

October 14, 2010

Salvation (please read and help me)

Awesome news, tonight one of my students gave his life over to Christ. Please pray for Emilio and give God thanks for his saving Grace. This is what his facebook said....I have accepted Christ in my life and it feels awesome!

This is the help I need from you. Please leave a brief comment encouraging Emilio on my blog. Not on my facebook or anything, but here. I am going to have him read them all next Wednesday. So please help me out.



Compassion Teaches Children How to Dream

 Click Here to Sponsor a Child

The youth in our student centers face many challenges. Because of cultural paradigms, poor academic preparation by the national school system (especially in rural areas), and financial barriers, one of the greatest challenges for youths is learning how to dream. Often it is difficult for children and students to pursue a vision to move forward. Many young women in Guatemala are forbidden to pursue a college education, and in some cases they are not even allowed to finish high school. Young men are also faced with a similar challenge, as they are called to provide for their home at a very young age, which keeps them from finishing their high school education. According to Guatemala’s National Statistical Institute (INE, 2002 Census), only 16.71 percent of youths in Guatemala receive a high school education. Despite these challenges, our church partners play a key role in releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Poverty is defined not just as economic insufficiency, but when viewed holistically the poor tend to lack vision, trust, self-esteem and opportunities for a better future.

“It is a process in which we try to launch them as leaders. Many people say: ‘They are young. They are not competent.’ But if we do not let them lead, they will not be able to develop their leadership. We are there by their side to help them,” says Gerson, Dios es Amor Student Center Director.
The student center begins working with children to help them plan for their futures at  age 12, which marks a significant time of change in their lives. The staff begins by sharing with the youths the opportunity that the Leadership Development Program (LDP) offers, and identifying and developing each child’s strengths, skills and talents.

“If they have an aptitude for music, we encourage them to use their talent for worship. Others develop their leadership by taking the responsibility of coordinating devotional activities for the children,” says Gerson.

The staff at the student center provides mentoring and other activities that teach valuable lessons to promote holistic development and preparation that stays with the students, even through their college years and into adulthood. The student center also addresses age-appropriate issues, such as sex, diseases like HIV, vices, and peer pressure. In addition, due to the dangerous environment that the children are exposed to, the student center also invites the Communications Representative of the National Police to talk to the students. He discusses time management and creates awareness of the negative consequences of joining gangs and using drugs. Moreover, the staff helps youth with their academic performance through tutoring, especially the areas in which they are struggling in school. However, the hard work of improving their academic performance cannot be done without additional encouragement from the staff and a deep understanding of the importance of education by the children.

Another is to invite LDP students to the centers so that they can be role models to the children. The LDP students serve as an example to the children that they, too, are capable of becoming leaders. After all, the LDP students were once in the children’s shoes, with similar backgrounds, and now they are in a place with unlimited possibilities.

“I always said ‘wow’ when I saw the LDP students. They motivated us and demonstrated a genuine interest in us. They taught us that we were able to achieve our dreams. I especially remember a graduate, Letty, who motivated me to dream, and today she is my mentor,” says Sindy, a former beneficiary at the student center who is now an LDP student.

The student center and the LDP students act as key agents of motivation and inspiration, teaching youths to dream. Yet dreaming is not enough. It is necessary that the children learn how to state their goals and have an action plan. Therefore, the student center uses an important tool called My Plan for Tomorrow, a blueprint of goals in every area of life, with specific actions to take planned by the students. The most important preparation the student center provides, however, is to tell youths about Christ. Many children give their hearts to Jesus, transforming their lives forever. And the blessing does not end here, but salvation spreads to their families. The student center promotes a lasting committed relationship with the Lord. The children not only are introduced to Christ, but persevere in His ways, even after they leave the center. The student center also equips youths to be servant leaders. This has a powerful impact on their families and friends as they look out for the needs of others. In some instances, the church provides food or staff collects food items from the students. Then, the staff and the children pack the food in bags and share it with the community or with the beneficiaries’ families who may be going through hard times.


Sindy is actively involved in serving the church and reaching out to her community. She is a Sunday school teacher. She helps as a sound technician in her church, is part of the church choir, and directs their presentations. She offers support for the deacons, takes care of the Sunday program at church, and helps with vacation Bible school, reaching out to the children of her community.

In addition, Sindy was very active volunteering at the student center, and every so often the center invites her as a guest speaker to talk to the children. Sindy also organizes sports activities that involve the community and represent the church as an active agent that blesses the youths in the area.
Nevertheless, many capable dedicated students are not able to achieve the goal of entering the Leadership Development Program.

In 2008, 108 students applied, and there was a quota of 30 to be selected. In 2009, 22 out of 80 were selected, and in 2010, 24 out of 80 were selected. Many consider the dream of being an LDP student, receiving a college education, and becoming a leader almost unreachable. Many apply and are not chosen, but they persevere with hope.


“The first time I applied I was rejected. I felt that my world was over. I seriously doubted my abilities, but the church was there to motivate me to believe that I was still capable, and I applied again,” says Aury, an LDP graduate and one of Compassion Guatemala’s partnership facilitators. Many students overcome major challenges to meet the requirements. For example, Juan Carlos applied to the program last year and was not chosen either. He had recently lost his father and absorbed part of his father’s responsibility in his home. This put a lot of pressure on him, which affected his academic performance. He is encouraged and eager to apply again, after improving his GPA. Many are left heartbroken after applying. One young man, Carlos, got to the last stage of recruiting process but was not chosen due to quota. He got discouraged, and it affected his drive to serve and be involved in church. Still, Carlos did not give up on his dream, and today he is a freshman in college. The church did not give up on him either. The church decided to pay the initial college expenses for Carlos so that he could have a new beginning. Today Carlos works as a teacher during the week to pay for his expenses, and he studies on the weekends.
“The Leadership Development Program motivated me to go on, even though I did not get in. Education is an urgent matter for me. It is what I always wanted, and I love what I do,” says Carlos.

Yet, they all have something in common. They all have learned to dream and hope:

“My dream is to manage and own my business and help others,” says Aury.

“My dream is to become an architect and work for the state,” says Carlos.

“My dream is to go back and help the children in the student centers with their problems and to have my own business,” says Sindy.

“My dream is to study communications, and reach out to the youth through the radio so they can come to know the Lord,” says Juan Carlos.

“I want to help the children in the student center and provide laboratory tests to improve their health and teach the Word,” says Yajayra, a child at the student center.

These dreams are not only in God’s hands, but in yours as well.

Courtesy of Compassion International: http://blog.compassion.com/leadership-development-program-we-teach-children-how-to-dream/#ixzz12JNl2Qxp

October 13, 2010


 Success can be a blessing and also a curse. Many times in life we feel that when we have it all that we are ok and need nothing else. In all reality that can be further from the truth. I believe Daily that we need to understand that we are being saved by the grace and mercy of Christ.

When we become a shadow of God's love and grace we are able to show a broken world his love for them. Lecrae has a song out called "Background." There is a part that makes me think everytime....

I know I'm safest when I'm in Your will, and trust Your Word
I know I'm dangerous when I trust myself, my vision blurred
And I ain't got no time to play life's foolish games
Got plenty aims, but do they really Glorify Your name?
And it's a shame, the way I want to do these things for You, yeah
Don't even cling to you, take time to sit and glean from You
It seems like You were patient in my ignorance
If ignorance is bliss, it's 'cause she never heard of this 

I love that part because I believe many times we tend to try and lead our own life. We can try all we want and some might believe we are doing well. But we NEED Christ and nothing else. Learning to play that background role is what we need to learn. We can lead our own life, we must become the shadow of Christ. 

My prayer is....God please save me from my ignorance. I need you and I can't do this by myself. 

October 12, 2010

Am I better than Christ?

Mark 6:26-29  The king was greatly distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John's head. The man went, beheaded John in the prison, and brought back his head on a platter. He presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. On hearing of this, John's disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb.

I must admit I am at times jealous of people. My jealously is not because of material things that people have (even though I struggle with that from time to time.) but I am jealous of those who can suffer and still rejoice in God. I was thinking back to hearing some friends who went to Haiti following the earth quake, the fact that people were coming to Jesus right and left because of their suffering. This was a country was already in poverty and for this to happen was just simply to much. But when you hear people talk about the revival that is taken place it makes we question my faith as an american.

You see I must admit I am not sure I can go through what is true suffering and not become bitter and angry with God. When I read about John having his head cut off and served on a dinner platter make me question my own faith.

The Bible tells me to bear my own cross or I CAN NOT BE HIS DISCIPLE?? Luke 14:27 Now that angers me! Not because Christ tells me that, but because the world says the opposite. I use to think that the gospel was simply there to make me feel better about me. The point of the gospel and Good News is that we are the lowest of the lowest and that he still loved me enough save me and bring be everlasting life.

This is and should be a life of suffering. Is is easy NO! This is why God has called us to be the church that walks with one another. We live in a time that is not fair and things will happen.

We celebrate and sing about the cross, but do we truly understand that we are to take up our own cross. No because we serve a God that is angry but because we serve a God that has a desire for our heart and for others to see the desire we have for him.

What makes me better than Christ? Is it about him? or is it simply about me? Not sure! Would love any input that you have in your own walk!

my prayer is simple but yet complex, Jesus help me not make it about me!  

October 11, 2010

Don't Waste Your Life Sentence

Matthew 25:36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

John Piper has a new documentary out called "Don't waste Your Life Sentence."

Voices from the Louisiana State Penitentiary

The Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, LA is one of the largest and historically one of the most bloody maximum-security prisons in the USA. In 2009, Desiring God and John Piper were invited to Angola to learn about prison life, hear from men who have been radically changed by the gospel, and minister to many of the 5,000 inmates.

In this documentary, be confronted by the realities of men who have squandered their lives and whom society has deemed a waste. Hear firsthand from those who have ruined others’ lives and lost their lives of freedom, yet today are no longer wasting their lives. Be challenged by inmates who seem to have a greater grasp on eternity than those on the outside.
I have plans to show this to my youth group after I watch it. Many times when we screw things up or make mistakes we believe that life is over. I have a good friend that lost his ministry a few years ago after making several mistakes. Infact his ministry was just one thing he lost. His family, friends, and at one point his purpose. I have an email from him still in my inbox....

Nick please pray for my family and my purpose, I know I am called to youth ministry. I am not sure what is next. 

At a person lowest point our calling is to go in and bring hope. My friend is back in ministry, remarried, an author of a new book, and understand more now than ever his calling. We have to believe in one another and we have to be able to tell people that God has a calling on their life despite what they have done.


When I think back on those who believed in me there is a huge list. So I am having a hard time just picking a few. So I am going to point out the three that really stick out to me.

My aunt and uncle no matter what it was they always had 100% faith in me. Even at my lowest point as a high school student they never stopped believing.

Mrs. Turner was the one who refused to allow me to stay they way I was in school. Lazy and not wanting to turn in work. There were times when she have a come to Jesus meeting and then other times she would simply award me for the good job, She was also the first person to allow me to work with kids.

My Church family...I put this as a group because at the end of the day I know I can go to someone there. I believe that is what makes life easier because no matter what I know that God is going to have someone there to help me out!

I am learning so much when it comes to relationships and I pray that God will continue to break me and help me see the need for him!

October 8, 2010

The Difference

I am amazed at the difference that God makes when you simply step out and allow him to do his work. I know it's hard to believe that I am already working towards summer camp, but I am. I am trying something different this year with fund-raising. I am working on sponsorship packages for students to start sending out to people I know and for my leaders to give out. So I sent out this message today asking a few students to answer a few questions.

Favorite Bible Verse:

How has God impacted your life this year?:

What is your favorite thing about Church?:

What callin do you believe God has called you to?

Favorite Activities?:

Why do you want to attend camp?:

Write a brief description of where you are at with your relationship with God. PLEASE be honest, no Sunday school answers.

The two responses I have received so far has been humbling in many ways.

1st Response 

My favorite verse is in 2nd corinthians. Remember how you put it in my letter?
God has actually opened my eyes and I think I'm more aware of all the blessings and now I actually thank him for everything that happens and keep in mind everything is his plan and on his time.

My fav. Thing is small groups and talking about everything and asking questions and also the fellowship and wingstop!

I think he's called me to share in sufferings with all people in any and every way I can.
My favorite activities are spending time with friends and my girlfriend.

I wanna go to camp because it helps me regain anything lost with God. All these people come together for one purpose, its truely inspirational and it actually impacted me last year.  

2nd Response 

•Ephesians 6:11-17
•He has given me the most amazing ppl and thinks i could ever ask for
•Hereing the work of god and seeing everyone here his word
•To be in law in forcement
•Football,softball, all sports,and hang with friends
•Every year could be a good experience and it would be fun.
•My relationship in god is good I feel like I'm close to god and I live my life by the way god what's me to. 

By the way I didn't change any of the grammar or spelling, left it just the way I received it for you. The reason this was humbling to me is because it was God's way of showing me that we are on the right track. My prayer was that it could become less about a program and more about lives being transformed.

The Message  2 Corinthians 4

1-2Since God has so generously let us in on what he is doing, we're not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into occasional hard times. We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don't maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don't twist God's Word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open, the whole truth on display, so that those who want to can see and judge for themselves in the presence of God.
 3-4If our Message is obscure to anyone, it's not because we're holding back in any way. No, it's because these other people are looking or going the wrong way and refuse to give it serious attention. All they have eyes for is the fashionable god of darkness. They think he can give them what they want, and that they won't have to bother believing a Truth they can't see. They're stone-blind to the dayspring brightness of the Message that shines with Christ, who gives us the best picture of God we'll ever get.
 5-6Remember, our Message is not about ourselves; we're proclaiming Jesus Christ, the Master. All we are is messengers, errand runners from Jesus for you. It started when God said, "Light up the darkness!" and our lives filled up with light as we saw and understood God in the face of Christ, all bright and beautiful.
 7-12If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That's to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us. As it is, there's not much chance of that. You know for yourselves that we're not much to look at. We've been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we're not demoralized; we're not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we've been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn't left our side; we've been thrown down, but we haven't broken. What they did to Jesus, they do to us—trial and torture, mockery and murder; what Jesus did among them, he does in us—he lives! Our lives are at constant risk for Jesus' sake, which makes Jesus' life all the more evident in us. While we're going through the worst, you're getting in on the best!
 13-15We're not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, "I believed it, so I said it," we say what we believe. And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with you, alive. Every detail works to your advantage and to God's glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise!
 16-18So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever. 

That was the verse I sent to that young man...okay it was a chapter. The difference is that now I am seeing lives transformed and not just a change here and now. Listen to me allot of our students are still raw and we still a work in progress. Which is why every Wednesday before we go into small groups I always say the following.

This should be a time and place for you to come and ask any question and struggle with anything that has to do with the Lord. Leader's your teaching should always point back to the cross and the salvation that the blood of Christ bought for us. I don't care if there are 10 of them here today or three it is God's plan.

It has been that message from my leaders and the relationships built that has brought change. It's kind of funny when you beg students to bring there friends to church, they won't. When you point them to scripture about their calling and responsibility it seems to click. When you tell them....  

if you have no interest in praying for your friends and reaching out but you will bring them for a prize or to be recognized for doing something good...that is not how God fly attended it to be and that will not fly with us either. You keep coming, you are welcome and if your friend decides to come they are more than welcome to come, but we need to partner together in reaching people. So please do this because you care deeply about their salvation.    

It has been because of that we have been able to see God come in and take care of his children. We have to work at allowing God to be the change not us. Going to God in prayer and begging for someones soul.  

2If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That's to prevent anyone from confusing God's incomparable power with us.

God please help me to get out of the way and your will to be done. I want to hear so bad "Well done Good and Faithful Servant." 


October 7, 2010

Compassion Thursday's

Each Thursday I am going to either write something on Compassion or simply copy a blog post from Compassion's Blog. Today I am taking a post from a couple of days ago. This time it's not telling you what you do for your child...it's what the child is doing for you.

It is almost 4:30 p.m., and 22 church staff members and six sponsored children are gathering in a church classroom. They are beginning a time of fasting and prayer for sponsors.
“We are usually gathered to pray every first Monday of the month. Our main prayer is for sponsors,” says Nie, coordinator of Sola Fide Student Center in Indonesia. The staff and children of Sola Fide Student Center have held a regular prayer time for sponsors since July 2009, an activity started by Nie. She was inspired by Compassion partnership facilitators who shared a testimony about the struggles sponsors sometimes go through.
“There is a sponsor who struggles every day himself by selling milk using a bike. One day, after this sponsor went back from one of his customer’s houses, he found his bike had fallen and all the milk spilled out. The testimony inspired us to create one regular activity to bless and encourage them. Starting from there, I asked children and staff to gather and have prayer time regularly.”

The children weren’t asked to attend the prayer meeting every time, but there are six sponsored children who never miss it. They aren’t even scheduled to attend the center on a Monday, but they voluntary come just to attend the prayer time.

“Those children do not just come to pray with us, they also join in the fasting session and open it together with us. We are really happy because children are not only seeing the benefit that they received from their sponsors. Their concern has risen after we told them about problems that their sponsors face every day.”

Lots of children in the Compassion center pray and cry out for their sponsors not only when they gather for prayer time. Children also pray at home.

Lots of children had never thought about their sponsor’s real conditions before until they received a letter that sometimes told about the struggles that their sponsors face every day. It is why the children never miss a time to pray for their sponsors who might be sick and need support in prayer or support to look for a job.”

Children who haven’t gotten a letter from their sponsors and don’t know their sponsors’ condition don’t want to be left out. They pray for their sponsors also.
For example, Timothius is an 11-year-old boy who always gets interesting goods from his sponsor, but he has never received any special prayer request from his sponsor. Even though Timo doesn’t know what his sponsor looks like, he always prays for him every night, accompanied by his mother.
In his prayer Timo always says,

“My dear Jesus, please protect my sponsor. I know that he is getting older and he probably only lives with his pet. There’s no one to see and look after him there, but I believe You always hear my prayer and protect him. Please bless him every day. Amen.”

Other children in other areas of eastern Indonesia might not have a fixed prayer schedule like at Sola Fide has, but they never miss their own prayer time for their sponsors.
Andreyana, a sponsored child at the Agape Student Center in Sangir Island, always prays for her sponsor. In her prayers Andreyana says,

“Dear God, you are awesome and remarkable. You let me meet my sponsors, even though they live far away from me. I never imagined that I’d have someone who loves me very much out there. Jesus, please bless them, bless their job, and both of their children in their school. Protect them, so they will have success and achieve their goals.”

Aldi, from Ikhtus Student Center in Beha, Sangir Island, also never forgets to raise up some prayer for his sponsor. Aldi always says,

”Dear Jesus, I pray for little James and Thomas. I believe you will always take good care of them while their parents are working. Dear God, I also pray for my sponsor. Please bless his job, bless his effort in giving me support. May you always provide his family needs. Please bless his family and give them strength, health; also put faithfulness in his heart so he will always surrender to you.”

Stenly from El Shaddai Student Center in Bitung has the same way to keep in touch with his sponsor besides a letter. He is grateful his sponsor has helped him to improve his talent in drawing. Stenly never forgets to put some prayer,

“Dear God, thank you for your love that you have shown through my sponsor. He has shown love that you given to him for me. I can feel his care through the support that he gives all this time. This support encourages and helps me to grow and sharpening my talent. My Lord, please bless him and his family. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

Serti from Kasih Persaudaraan Student Center has a simple prayer,

“Dear Jesus, thank you for always blessing me every day. You always deliver my need through the great sponsors who found me. Dear Jesus, please bless them. I and my family really love them. Please bless them with health and guard them from bad guys. My dear God, I also want to thank you because I have graduated from primary school and have the opportunity to continue to junior high school. Please bless my sponsors, who have given all support for me all this time. Because of them, I can attend the school. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.”

Welmina from Kasih Persaudaraan Student Center prays,

“My dear God, please bless my sponsor. Please guard his family because I love them so much. Please protect my sponsor, too, so he will always be safe when he is working at his duties. Please make him happy; don’t let him cry. Because of his love, I can go to the student center and pay my school fee. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

Another child, Elyakim, from the same student center also raises his prayer,

“My dear Lord, I pray so you always help my sponsor. Lord, I pray so you always help them every day because they have helped me by giving me support. When my father didn’t have money to buy my uniform, my sponsor gave it for me. I don’t want my sponsor to stop sponsoring me. I want to keep doing activities in the student center. I would ask you to forgive me if I was lazy, but I promise will not be naughty anymore now. I don’t want to make my mother or my sponsor cry because of me. I love my mother and my sponsor. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

Children in eastern Indonesia don’t see what happens with their sponsors every day, but the letters that they receive help them know about their sponsors, including challenges that their sponsors face every day.

“We hope we can always uphold our sponsors in our prayers. I hope our sponsors also want to tell more about struggles that they face every day. It will help us not just know them better, it will help us to have better relationships with them and Christ through our prayers.” And so prays Megawati, one of the sponsored children from Sola Fide.

Courtesy of Compassion International: http://blog.compassion.com/your-sponsored-child-prayed-for-you-indonesia/#ixzz11eoMJo4D

October 6, 2010

Be a Hero Part 2

Going through the next several chapters of Nehemiah you start to see allot of people upset. They were upset that he would rebuild this wall. In-fact they say that it wouldn't even stand. That didn't stop him at all and in fact it seems that brought him more motivation. The wall is finished and his heart breaks for the poor. Going to government officials to be a voice to these people you start to see a change. Freedom starts to take place. But because this is still before Christ you start to see they really do not have freedom yet. 
When I read the last few chapters you see the reason for Christ. In chapter 13 you start to find allot of anger. In verse 23 you start to see something that we would call an act of hate in 2010

Moreover, in those days I saw men of Judah who had married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. 25 I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair. I made them take an oath in God's name and said: "You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take their daughters in marriage for your sons or for yourselves. 26 Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Among the many nations there was no king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel, but even he was led into sin by foreign women. 27 Must we hear now that you too are doing all this terrible wickedness and are being unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women?" Half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod or the language of one of the other peoples, and did not know how to speak the language of Judah. 

When I read that I started thinking about the cross and how it was that very issue that Christ came to save us. Romans 8:21 is a beautiful verse that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. It is Galatians 5:1 that really drives it home It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

So I believe that we need real humans as heros. We need to do what God called us to no matter what people say or think. However at the end of the day is Jesus Christ that brings us the freedom. 

It is because of Christ that I have been set free by the blood. My prayer is that we can simply see that there is a need for the cross.

God thank you for your freedom!

October 4, 2010

Be a Hero Part 1


The word hero is a word that we throw around when we speak about our military, public servants, or anyone that does something that is extreme. All of those are actions and jobs that should be noticed, but I want to spend some time showing how we all can be a hero to someone else.

It's amazing to how God places the wrong people to do a job that they are not equipped to do. Maybe lack of skills, knowledge, or will power. God will take that person and give them a task that they can only do through the strength of God.

Nehemiah was no different, he was a cupbearer to the king. His job was to test the wine to make sure their was not any poison in it. What could God do with this man. Chapter one we read his prayer and plea with the Lord.  

Chapter two is the most beautiful to me for many reasons. What I find is a real hero, this is a guy who is really not all that much. But this guy didn't allow his status to stand in the way of his heart and he was able to go to the King to get permission to go and be the person to help rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. His wish is go and help these people see something that seems impossible to most. 
 11 I went to Jerusalem, and after staying there three days 12 I set out during the night with a few men. I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem. There were no mounts with me except the one I was riding on. 

Nehemiah 2:13-16 By night I went out through the Valley Gate toward the Jackal Well and the Dung Gate, examining the walls of Jerusalem, which had been broken down, and its gates, which had been destroyed by fire. 14 Then I moved on toward the Fountain Gate and the King's Pool, but there was not enough room for my mount to get through; 15 so I went up the valley by night, examining the wall. Finally, I turned back and reentered through the Valley Gate. 16 The officials did not know where I had gone or what I was doing, because as yet I had said nothing to the Jews or the priests or nobles or officials or any others who would be doing the work. 

I love the fact that he went first and then after verse 16 he gives the vision to the people and even though not everyone was with him he went ahead and used the people to build a team to change the world as we know it. Chapter three goes through all the people that helped rebuild this wall. You read about business men, families, priest, and others make repairs to this wall and help rebuild this wall.

This reminds me of what is taken place in Haiti right now. Also what took place in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. We saw cities go town with in just moments and people questioned is this the end. Sometimes we think as Americans our job is to go in and fix the issue. That can be so far from the truth. Our job as people who love God is to go in and use them to rebuild whatever has been taken down.

I have this deep concern at times for our way of thinking. Many times we see the issue but yet do nothing about it. We will encourage Godly people to move out of neighborhoods, put our children into christian schools, or look for Christian jobs. When we do that we separate ourselves with those who have lives that have been knocked down by drug abuse, anger, family issues, or whatever else. We can't be the person to rebuild them back to what God wanted, but we can be the person that gives them the vision of what God has for them.

So here is what I believe a Hero is, someone that is the most unqualified person taking the job to help rebuild someones life. He/she sits quietly in the church, he really don't have role but they see and need and it breaks their heart. Because of the broken heart they take action. I believe we need more people like that in the world.

But we have to keep in mind that this is not always popular. Tomorrow we will learn that people became upset and said it wouldn't work. But God had other plans.    

October 3, 2010

Support Compassion International

I had signed up with Compassion International and said that I would send a plea out to people for them to sponsor a Child. Once a week I am going to highlight a story I have found or one from the Child I sponsor. Shaun Groves who is a christian artist, blogger, and supporter of Compassion had a story about Eliud that was on his blog. Eliud is an 18-year-old that lost his sister when he was young. By 2007 he had lost both his mother and father leaving him an orphan  alone in one of the most filthy and impoverished slums in the world. Because of Compassion and his sponsor they were able to help him. They purchased a shack that he was renting so that he could continue living there. He was sponsored by a man named Nick. (not me) When they asked if he had letter written to him from his sponsor he pulled out a box full. Here is a video of Eliud telling his sponsor thank you.

Written in his shack was a prayer that said...

As I sit here I think about my prayers and how this young man was so thankful. Many times my prayers are asking for things that I could love with out. It reminds me of the lords prayer and how we should pray for our daily bread.

I personally sponsor a child who is 18 now. I did this for a reason, many times we tend to forget about the older ones. I have never met this young man but when I read his story I find it amazing and believe that Compassion is making a difference in his life. The young man I sponsor lives in the Philippines and is in the 10 grade. I pray that God would touch his life because of what Compassion is doing.
What I love about Compassion is that it is all in the name of Jesus. They go through a local church and that child is not only receiving the basic needs, they also receive the love of Christ. Your money doesn't go in a big pot, but a least 80% goes to help that child beat poverty. The child doesn't have multiple sponsors and you do not have to question if that child even reads or receives your letters. When you read up on compassion you find that the letters help them with their education and writing abilities.

I pray that if you have not sponsored a child that you would do so. If you have I would love to hear your story. You can leave it in the comments or email me.

A little over a year

It was a little over a year ago that many things in my life hit the fan. I become tired, angry, and fed up with life in general. I didn't have a clue of who I was and where I was going. It was that that led me to truly blog my true emotions. Closer to Love was the entry that started something that would become away for me to express myself. At that time all I knew was that God was doing something in me different and I didn't like it. It was in December that I made the choice to take two weeks alone and to grow closer to him.

There came a point that after Christmas that I had to go to my pastor and simply say what was going on in my life. It was so routine and I did not have the ability to love God or his people like before. My patience became thin and even sitting with him brought me to a point of simply being nervous and fearful of the truth being revealed. It was stupid, I knew what his reaction was going to me. That morning started something brand new in me. I for the first time in forever began to see God for who he was again. I would love to say it was a quick fix, but it wasn't. I had to really put my actions in-line with what God was saying to do. So what has changed...
  •  Success has become less important and simply following God's will is what I find to be important. 
  • I talk openly about my convictions that I have about myself and the world around me. 
  • God's calling for me when it comes to youth ministry is to not be the best teacher but to direct them to the cross. 
  • Reading God's word has become a joy and not a job. 
  • Church has become a joy and something that has to be done. 
I could go on and on about what has changed, but the good news is that I am seeing what God has done. I believe it is because of his Grace that I am able to experience the freedom I can only find in Chirst.   

October 2, 2010

The Story of Clayton McDonald

The first time I ever saw this young man was in a message that Francis Chan was speaking. It was an amazing story of hope. Today for whatever reason I thought about it and I went back to watch the video. I found another one that he did that I will post at the bottom. I encourage to watch the video. The day after the video was finished, Clayton passed away from Leukemia. He had battle the disease for years. I don't want to give away to much because I believe it has a better impact hearing from him...but what I respected the most from this young man was the fact he knew who he was in Christ. Many times we go through this life simply playing the game and trying to be the next big thing. In all reality what we see is our life slip right past us.

God has made us into who we are and it is because of him we are alive. In that life he places a purpose on our life so we can fulfill the will he has put in place for us.

James 4:13-17 13Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." 14Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." 16As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil. 17Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.   

Many times we simply do not live for today. Today is the day that matters and tomorrow might never appear here on earth but when it does in heaven how awesome will it be to hear "well done good and faithful servant."

Now I am not mocking about preparing for tomorrow.But I do believe we must consider the fact that all we have is this second and the question is....did I make it count?? My prayer is that God will simply allow me to live a life that is about this second and not just tomorrow. I want to dream and I have goals, but if this was my last day here on earth my prayer is that I could look Jesus in the eyes and him say "well done good and faithful servant.