October 12, 2010

Am I better than Christ?

Mark 6:26-29  The king was greatly distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John's head. The man went, beheaded John in the prison, and brought back his head on a platter. He presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. On hearing of this, John's disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb.

I must admit I am at times jealous of people. My jealously is not because of material things that people have (even though I struggle with that from time to time.) but I am jealous of those who can suffer and still rejoice in God. I was thinking back to hearing some friends who went to Haiti following the earth quake, the fact that people were coming to Jesus right and left because of their suffering. This was a country was already in poverty and for this to happen was just simply to much. But when you hear people talk about the revival that is taken place it makes we question my faith as an american.

You see I must admit I am not sure I can go through what is true suffering and not become bitter and angry with God. When I read about John having his head cut off and served on a dinner platter make me question my own faith.

The Bible tells me to bear my own cross or I CAN NOT BE HIS DISCIPLE?? Luke 14:27 Now that angers me! Not because Christ tells me that, but because the world says the opposite. I use to think that the gospel was simply there to make me feel better about me. The point of the gospel and Good News is that we are the lowest of the lowest and that he still loved me enough save me and bring be everlasting life.

This is and should be a life of suffering. Is is easy NO! This is why God has called us to be the church that walks with one another. We live in a time that is not fair and things will happen.

We celebrate and sing about the cross, but do we truly understand that we are to take up our own cross. No because we serve a God that is angry but because we serve a God that has a desire for our heart and for others to see the desire we have for him.

What makes me better than Christ? Is it about him? or is it simply about me? Not sure! Would love any input that you have in your own walk!

my prayer is simple but yet complex, Jesus help me not make it about me!  

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