November 2, 2010

My Life Story Part 2

Sorry it took me so long to get back to this, it has been a busy couple weeks and I had several deadlines for both church and work. I said there would be a part two to my story and here it is.

The reason I did this in two parts because their is a before and after story. Many times we simply talk about our life before Christ and not the after story. Since I gave my life to Christ everything has been better in many ways. I never worry about money, all of my relationships are going great, and I feel happy all the time. Sounds great right??? Well it's a lie.

I always become upset when all I hear are stories of healing and how great someones life is after they give their life to Jesus. The sad part is I am guilty of that as well. Don't get me wrong I have a purpose and understand that. But I have rough times and I believe I need those times in my walk.

So my life after Christ is this, I simply understand that I am in need of the cross. Sound simple but I spent allot of time working for God and simply not being his shadow. I am not that smart when it come to following directions. Therefor I tend to fall allot. While I was on my walk the best letter I got was from a staff member at church that said the following.....

"I know everyone gives you a hard-time but some good stuff as come out of the youth group." There is no way I can stand and pretend that I have it all together. I always wanted to be like Paul in the Bible, but instead I am like Peter. I always say that I will never do something and then not on purpose but out of fear or just pure stupidity.

I use to think this was because I was trying hard enough. I am learning that this is a gift from God. I have been told several times that the reason people like me is because they can look at me and say "this dude doesn't have it all together and still loves God." Living a life that is 100% about laying it all down at the cross is what it is about.

It is because of God's Grace that I am able to do his work and I didn't choose God he brought me into his family. Stop trying to earn God's love and simply live for God.   

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