So what do I want to see different in our youth
Compassion- I love the definition a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
This past year I have not shared with many people and one day I really believe I need to do so public. I never knew how wounded I was as a child. For whatever reason when I went on my walk God brought that out of me and made tears finally come out. I now have a greater love and compassion for people in general. For so long my story was how much I had been able to over come a difficult child hood life. My story is so much more then that. I started seeing that two years ago when Chad and Brian set me down and talked to me.
For our youth
I love you...I am proud of you....I believe in can do this. For so long it has been about over coming what life throws out to you.
The steps I need to take to make this happen is simple but yet complex! This must become a habit of mine and out adults. I hate how we have made this
I have more that I am going to save for a later post