January 9, 2011


It's hard to believe that I have been at "The Mission" for seven years and five of those youth pastor. This place has changed my life for the better. The last week or so I have been thinking allot about where I came from and where I am at right now. For whatever reason that is my driving force to continue in what I am doing!

So what do I want to see different in our youth ministry in 2011?

Compassion- I love the definition a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. 

This past year I have not shared with many people and one day I really believe I need to do so public. I never knew how wounded I was as a child. For whatever reason when I went on my walk God brought that out of me and made tears finally come out. I now have a greater love and compassion for people in general. For so long my story was how much I had been able to over come a difficult child hood life. My story is so much more then that. I started seeing that two years ago when Chad and Brian set me down and talked to me. 

For our youth ministry we MUST have compassion because we are dealing with an age group that is in need of HOPE! Step into a high school now and see if you find much hope? So we need to say things like....

I love you...I am proud of you....I believe in you.....you can do this. For so long it has been about over coming what life throws out to you. 

The steps I need to take to make this happen is simple but yet complex! This must become a habit of mine and out adults. I hate how we have made this ministry thing so difficult and busy. Doing life requires time and I believe now more then ever before that is what brings real change! 

I have more that I am going to save for a later post

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