August 30, 2009
In Psalm 145 it says Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts. It's amazing how God can use you and your gifts to make the kingdom of heaven bigger and bigger. I am praying that you all will help us take a stand for the injustice in this world. We are going to be asking our students to step out in ways that they never thought would be possible. God is ready to use you in a huge way. Please be praying how you want to take part in this. Each week we will be asking you to do something big for the kingdom of God. We will also take a group of students on Wednesday September 9th to Feed the Homeless.
Now we believe this is not just a program but yet a lifestyle. I am going to ask that you really step out at your school campus. Sit with someone who is alone, take up for that kid that someone is picking on, turn your work in on time so that teachers can see Christ in you, and remember to invite someone to Church. God can use you in a huge way!
August 26, 2009
father to the fatherless
August 24, 2009
Important Things?
For the last month or so we have been praying and asking God what he wanted for our youth group. I am not the youth pastor that is in to the same old games and having a program so I can say that I am doing something. I want to make a real difference in their lives and give them something they will never forget. Through our prayer time what God had revealed to not only me...but our leaders and even some students was the wanted us to do the smallest things to make our ministry something bigger than ourselves. I had one young man that needed help with school supplies and clothes, so I personally helped him out and with out asking he borough a bag of clothes that he grew out of so that he could give back. Even today Tim (the guy in charge of the foster home) told one of my leaders that he has never seen a group willing to serve. Now here me, all we did was tear boxes down and throw them away. God took the small and is starting something bigger than us. The students started thinking about cookouts, spending sundays with them, buying a basketball goal, and just helping clean up.
Bellow is a video I made of some highlights from the last year in youth group. Please pray for my group! Pray that they would continue to follow God!
August 13, 2009
Follow The leader
What is it all about? It’s about standing up for what it right and putting your foot down about what is wrong. The way a kid dresses is a fight that is not worth fighting…Now I have some guidelines, short shorts is a no and clothes revealing things will not fly with me. But the style, who cares. We have bigger issues to fight in life. The direction that we lead people shows who we truly are as people. My students know I hate it when I ask what has Jesus saved you from and their response is “Doing bad things” Jesus came to show us a new way to live, not take away all the bad things in life. Without some of the bad events would we ever know Grace? Grace is not pretty and organized Grace is down right hard to understand. It’s something that you and I can not do alone; we must have a savior to really understand it. I am not trying to put God in a box and I believe he can deliver us from anything. I also believe that God knows what is best for me and he allows us to go through things to see who he really is. What does this have to do with leading? It’s simple why do we spend so much time trying to fit in with the group that we are leading? IT”S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT! Jesus was different!
My challenge to you is the following:
Ask Jesus Am I being real or fake?”
Do I love people or do I just play people
Am I really in love with God or do I just play the American church game.
These are hard questions to ask, but I believe we will see blessings if we are just real with one another and allow ourselves to lead in a natural way.
August 10, 2009
Closer to Love
Now because of the love of Jesus Christ I have been able to make some changes in that area. Since starting out as a volunteer at Mission Abilene and now being on staff I have seen many things both crazy and awesome. I have had days where I ask why and days where I know why. In the last five years God has shown me my calling. It’s simple but yet the most difficult task. It’s called love and seeing people for who they can become and not who they are. I have watched students walk away from their faith and I have also seen students hold on to their faith. I have led many students to the loving grace of Jesus Christ; I have also had to give students a reality check. But what I see the most is all of us getting closer to love.
Mat Kearney has a new song out called closer to love….read the lyrics and spend a few minutes thinking about the trials in your life.
The last week this has been my prayer… what’s amazing right now is as I write this the song just came on the radio. I believe with all my heart the Lord will come through. I have been praying this for my family and my students. But most of all I have been praying this for myself. It’s hard for me to understand love and my prayer it that God will show me what love really is. I understand the basic side of love, but I want to understand the loves that Christ had for you and me when he was in that garden. That moment in history brought you and me closer to love. It’s a love that we will spend our whole life trying to figure out. Now I don’t say this just because I am putting this online, but I say it because I mean it. My personal hero is Chad Mitchell our lead pastor. He started praying that I would come over to the Mission and I did. He gave me a chance at our youth pastor position a few years ago. He has set me down to talk with me and has encouraged me to keep going when I need the encouragement. I have been given freedom to make some really good choices and the freedom to really screw up. This is life and all of these events draw us closer to the cross of Jesus Christ.
My prayer is draw me closer to love and show me the way. God’s will is what matters to me and I pray the same prayer for you.