August 13, 2009

Follow The leader

Last night at youth we did an activity asking all of our students to grab each others hands in their seat and start walking. Long story short next think you know we have a group of students in a knot another group going backwards and one who was drinking a coke. This was amazing because I was really able to point out that we are all in need of a leader. Now I know most people would think I am talking about God. Well God plays a role in it because he is the ultimate leader, but I was talking about you and I needing each other. If you ever saw my group of students you would ask “How does this guy lead them?” Now it’s not that they are bad kids, we just came from different lifestyles. I grew up on a dirt rode and in the country. Last night I said “That’s the bomb” I was quickly told that it was not cool to say that. Since when did that not become cool? Is our leadership based off of what is cool? I believe not, I mean Jesus did some real un cool things. He is Jesus and he can heal…but he picks up dirt and spits in his hand and rubs it in the guys face. Maybe it’s me…but that is not cool. We can go on and on about this because I feel that we do such an injustice to today’s culture by trying to be cool.

What is it all about? It’s about standing up for what it right and putting your foot down about what is wrong. The way a kid dresses is a fight that is not worth fighting…Now I have some guidelines, short shorts is a no and clothes revealing things will not fly with me. But the style, who cares. We have bigger issues to fight in life. The direction that we lead people shows who we truly are as people. My students know I hate it when I ask what has Jesus saved you from and their response is “Doing bad things” Jesus came to show us a new way to live, not take away all the bad things in life. Without some of the bad events would we ever know Grace? Grace is not pretty and organized Grace is down right hard to understand. It’s something that you and I can not do alone; we must have a savior to really understand it. I am not trying to put God in a box and I believe he can deliver us from anything. I also believe that God knows what is best for me and he allows us to go through things to see who he really is. What does this have to do with leading? It’s simple why do we spend so much time trying to fit in with the group that we are leading? IT”S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT! Jesus was different!

My challenge to you is the following:
Ask Jesus Am I being real or fake?”
Do I love people or do I just play people
Am I really in love with God or do I just play the American church game.

These are hard questions to ask, but I believe we will see blessings if we are just real with one another and allow ourselves to lead in a natural way.

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