I was asking God what is that you want me to do, and it was weird I heard he wanted me to waist my life in the worlds eyes to bring him glory. God has told us to be a true disciple of him I must give up my life to him. Easy RIGHT??? Well no this means the following.....
Luke 14:26 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.So what does that look like?? I don't know I can't tell you to save my life?? I believe it is not the way I am living though and I am not sure how to change it. I believe it has nothing to do with money or time...it's all with my heart. What amazes me the most is how people can not admit it to anyone...When I start talking about it all I hear "It's ok to have....." but I am not sure if I am making my point. Stuff is what we worship.
Christmas is over now and Valentines day is next just like Christmas people expect a gift. Is it okay to give gifts...yes and is it ok to receive? yes! But we make such a big celebration out of it and we go crazy with it.
So this is the way I am looking at it right now....everything we have should bring him glory no matter what. Our cars should be a place for him, our jobs a place for him, our homes, school, bank accounts, and etc. We own nothing. Lets take our life and stuff and waist it on glorying him and expecting nothing in return but being thankful when we do.
very thought provoking