You might think that is easy, but it really isn't as east as one might think. There are a few things I believe!
- Every youth group should be diverse with different cultures. Yes this causes drama and yes students have a problem with it normally. I always make the joke that no everyone in my youth group likes each other and I am okay with that. I have the Bible thumper, I have the freshman in a gang, one that smokes pot, the girl who has emotional issues, the boy who has emotional issue, the kid looking for his calling, and the one who could careless. It dirves me nuts on days, but isn't this the kingdom of God.
- I have a rule, "I don't want your church friends." Sounds mean, but I live in Abilene that has a just as many churches as 711's. I am over trying to have a big youth group I am into having a youth group with loss souls and find the grace of Jesus Christ. This is why we carry a 0 Tolerance policy on bullying. You come in with respect things will be ok.
- God has blessed us with allot of boys and I take some heat for that. I believe God has giving us this for many reasons. I believe we have done an amazing job at making it an okay spot to not be okay and we allow allot of fellowship. I believe we have done a poor job with the girls at times. That has nothing to do with our leaders, but more with they get mad at the boys or each other and leave.
It's amazing that we serve such an awesome God. We were once lost but we have been found!
You have my prayers now and always! I have to say that I love you so much and wonder how you do it. You not only have touched my child's life and have given her a place and group of friends but you have touched mine as well. I love that even though this group has issues and problems (that a parent does not want their own child to have) they still have a place to be comfortable in and not have to "be" what everyone else especially kids think they should "be". They are kids and are going to be kids. On top of that many have adult problems. If we adults can't handle alot of our own things and issues how do we think these kids feel? And I love that they see eachother in their faults and downfalls but know that they are still loved and are in a safe place. They can be more transparent there yet not be bullied or judged and yet be taught right and wrong. I think all churches should be like this. No one is perfect and we all have our downfalls, vices and relapses at times. That does not mean we are unworthy or necessarially bad it means we are human and need God and eachother all that much more. Thank you for giving my family that!