March 27, 2010

Do we have it right?

Most people don't know this about me because I choose not to fight about it allot, but I have a love for news and the world of politics. I watched on Sunday as the news was focused on the new health-care bill. Now I have my opinions and I will not voice them here. I am not into the game of fighting and getting upset because the reality is is someway we are all right and we are wrong.

What I would like to voice about is the amount of disrespect we show towards those who are in the spotlight. I love my country for many reasons. As I was in New York looking at lady liberty it was amazing to think of how people fought for what she stood for in front of the most popular City is this country and world. I must admit it was a bit emotional for me. As we stood at where 911 took place in 2001 and listening to someone who lived that day give us the facts made me think about that day and how those people went through something I would never be able to understand. Walking through the chapel and seeing where George Washington worshiped and how that place became a ministry to those who were the first responders on September 11, 2001. George Washington pew became a place where people would give aid to those in need.

Now it's 2010 and my question is have we really understood what our roles are as Christian's in this country? We must understand we are blessed. We have taken our hits and it has been hard but we are blessed. What does it mean to take a stand? I have seen it become more difficult for us to really take a stand for Christ. We have people who will try and water down the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Luke 10:27 ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’"

Now we will focus on on the last part because we fill that is our calling. We must love people, but can you truly love the way Christ loved if you don't have a love for God?Sure we can say we do, but do we truly love? In 2001 is when I took the step to say that God was my father and his son died for me. Most of my friends grew up in a christian home and understood things I didn't. I was trying all I could to show that I loved God. I started to see that God was looking for love from me and that would start leak out into the world. So taking a stand what does that look like?

  • What breaks God's heart should also break ours. 
  • It's one thing to have a broken heart but what are we doing to bring people out of situations. 
  • I believe God wants us to do more than handouts, he wants us to teach his people to stand on our own two feet and to fight the good fight. 
  • Teaching people to love not just attend worship service. 
I am not sure but I am going to continue and add to this list, just some thing I have been asking God to show me.

Watch this video!

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