September 7, 2010

Hebrew 1

Read Hebrews 1

By his Son, God created the world in the beginning, and it will all belong to the Son at the end. This Son perfectly mirrors God, and is stamped with God's nature. He holds everything together by what he says—powerful words!(The MSG)

On Sunday I was asked a question for one of our's the famous question and by far the most difficult one to explain..."who made God?" I read this passage in Hebrews 1 it just amazes me how we serve a God that had to beginning and will have no ending. This is a God that is eternity and because of his son on the cross we are able to be a part of his glory through the salvation we find in Jesus Christ. To believe that it is Christ on the cross that hold everything together is something that makes me speechless. You can't explain it, you simply must have faith in it.

3-6After he finished the sacrifice for sins, the Son took his honored place high in the heavens right alongside God, far higher than any angel in rank and rule. Did God ever say to an angel, "You're my Son; today I celebrate you" or "I'm his Father, he's my Son"? When he presents his honored Son to the world, he says, "All angels must worship him." (The MSG)

Worship has always been a funny thing to me in Churches in Texas. I believe many times we forget what worship is and how God has called us to be worshipers and not simply act off of just emotions. I never really understood when people walked out and said "Man, God really showed up today." think about it, how stupid is that? If we truly believe in a living God, then we must understand he is always present. Some how we place God in this box and we feel we must invite him in when in all reality we just need to step out of the picture. I also believe that worship is more then just music and actions, it's simply giving the glory to God and acknowledging that he is Holy.

7Regarding angels he says,

   The messengers are winds,
      the servants are tongues of fire.
8-9But he says to the Son,
   You're God, and on the throne for good;
      your rule makes everything right.
   You love it when things are right;
      you hate it when things are wrong.
   That is why God, your God,
      poured fragrant oil on your head,
   Marking you out as king,
      far above your dear companions.
10-12And again to the Son,
   You, Master, started it all, laid earth's foundations,
      then crafted the stars in the sky.
   Earth and sky will wear out, but not you;
      they become threadbare like an old coat;
   You'll fold them up like a worn-out cloak,
      and lay them away on the shelf.
   But you'll stay the same, year after year;
      you'll never fade, you'll never wear out.
13And did he ever say anything like this to an angel?
   Sit alongside me here on my throne
   Until I make your enemies a stool for your feet.
 14Isn't it obvious that all angels are sent to help out with those lined up to receive salvation?(The Msg)

I was shocked when I asked my youth group on Sunday "how many of you believe you have to be good to get to heaven?" Oh, my! Every hand went up in that room. I was thinking to myself "what have I been teaching?" So for the next several weeks we are simply going to focus on the cross and true salvation. That Christ came so that we might have life after our earthly death. Their is nothing we can do to earn that, all the good in the world makes no difference and that we serve a God who sent his son that take care of all of our mistakes. So the good we do is simply out of the love of the father that we have!

My prayer is that we truly open our eyes to his Salvation!

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