On the flip-slide I noticed the heartache that is also with in that island. These people do not have to worry about where there next meal will come from, because they fish for it. While I was there I ran into a group of kids. They were fishing with a spear and I was amazed with their skill and ability. They asked if I was a "vistor" and I said yes..they started talking to me as the others kept throwing them fish. The one I was speaking to was named "Alberto.." and one his back was "God's Child." He started telling me how us is moving to the states to get an education. He was going on and on how God the us is. I was agreeing with him, but told him that there is no way we all could survive like him. I started seeing that this young man had the same dreams as the students I had back in the states. Later in my conversation I learned that he was a kid taking care of his brothers. He was 17 and took "The School Boat" to a different island to go to school.
This world is so much more then what we can see or imagine. But as much as I loved the Bahamas and my home country, this is not my home. I am only here for a short time and then my home is in heaven. Heaven a place to where nothing matters because I worship a Holy God. I also see there is still work to be done here on earth. Taking what is broken and showing the world it's beauty.
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