December 7, 2010

The Greatest Gift

I have to admit I am not really into allot of material stuff. I believe allot of times that is what we believe a gift is. But I find a gift to be more then something that will end up in the trash at some point. A gift has the ability to bring life to someone and best example is Christ on the cross. So if I was to pick the best gift, this is what I would say...

A little over a month ago a six year prayer was answered. I had always wanted to see a high school student lead a junior high student to Christ. I wanted to see this because I have a huge heart for the older leading the younger and teaching that is a part of God's will. Many times the American style is each man for his own and we have kids growing up fast and not sure what to do.

So a month ago it was in the Alsups parking lot on North 10th when a conversation between a junior high student and myself went into what would be a day that I will never forget. A High school student is in the van as I am driving and talking he starts to share his heart. Next thing I know we are all in tears and we pull over into the parking lot and he said he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart.

I can say that seeing that and see the relationship they still have will be a memory and gift I will take to heaven with me. For the last couple of years God has taken me and has broke me and has shown me what it means to be a follower of Christ. Being a follower means will you obey no matter what and do what he ask you to do out of the love you have for Christ. Many times to include myself we tend to make excuses for what we do and go on.

As I saw this take place I really had a small glimpse of what Christ says when he tells us to make disciples. I was an awesome gift to see God's will unfold before my eyes. I will have to admit I was crying when I saw it.

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