December 1, 2010

If I could change anything?

Out of all the places I have been I must say New York was one of my favorite places to go. I loved it for many different reasons. The biggest was the multiple cultures in one small area. As I looked around at all the history in NY, one thing stuck out to me. What use to be a dream for some people has turned into a nightmare.

I am a fan of liberty and I believe in the power of making choices. I love america and all the good we do around the world. I know when you look around at times it seems we are not doing anything, but we really are. There is one thing I dislike about our country though. It's the american dream that has slowly turned into a nightmare for some people.

Over the last few years I have watched people work their lives away and try to cover up their problems with money and stuff. I have seen people to include myself justify themselves for spending and trying to keep up with the jones'. It would be easy to point the finger at someone and say it is their fault, but in reality the fault belongs to all of us.

I remember stories about my mother and father that shared a burrito while my mom was pregnant with me. They were a young couple without a high school education. My dad who was a hard worker, worked in the oilfield, my mother stayed home.  At a young age my dad desired this american dream and though this is what was going to make him happy. He made a good living for my family, but at the same time missed out on allot.

I never really got into sports growing up because I didn't have him around to teach me. I didn't understand the game at all, so I just never really got into it. I do not have a clue of how to work on a car because once again I was taught. My father would work 60 to 70 hour weeks. When he was home, he was asleep. Please hear me my dad thought he was doing the right thing. He bought me stuff all the time, he didn't know I was crying out for quality time.

Now several years later I look around and I see the issue is still there. I believe in working and to be honest I hate to not be busy. I have a fear at times though we have forgot what we are here for. Are calling is to give God the glory and not our pocketbooks, closets, garages, and whatever else. We are here for relationships and I don't mean just relationships with your social class. It make me ANGRY when I see people judge someone because of social class. I have to be careful, because those who have everything and like to show it off I tend to judge. Part of it is because I have a strong belief now that the way God meant for this to work is that we put others before us.

The american dream now shows that we should be first and then we give the left overs. The hard part of this whole blog is that I AM GUILTY! I pray daily that God would continue to break me of being selfish.

I have showed this before and I have now made this picture my background for my computer. It is a prayer I should pray and I don't....

The young man that wrote this is fatherless and motherless at the age of 17. He supported by Compassion International. The little shack he lives in Compassion bought for him. In the slum we start to find hope because of the love of Jesus.

As you leave please watch this video, it is only one minute! You will notice he says Nick in the video...I am not his sponsor but it hit me hard because I felt God used it to speak to me and about my prayer life.

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