February 19, 2010

Who we want to be??

It's amazing how God has giving us the grace to be who he wants us to be. But I must admit in the last year I have been struggling with our language about people and those who are in the faith. To this day I can tell you of two of the best worship expierences I have had in my life. One was in a big setting and the other was in a small setting.

Small Setting:
It was 2003 when I went on a Mission Trip to Mexico. While I was there I spent allot of time finding more out about myself and what God would want for me. One night we had this worship service and I wasn't able to understand the lyrics because it was in Spanish. It was the best setting in the world and to this day I would put in a highlight of my times with Christ.

Big Setting:
Two years ago in Houston with 2000 people at a Hillsong conference. Behind me was a guy who was worshiping and singing loud in Japaneses. I was amazed with how big God was to make a song that has an impact on me to have the same impact in a different language.

We have the freedom to be us, but we strive to be like other people. We strive to be "big time" but how many small people are there for every big name? Do we believe that God only uses the big or do we believe he uses all? We of course you said yes, then Why? Why do we focus on the big but not the small? As I read through my Bible God used all people, but who were his 12 disciples??

Peter, Philip, James, John,and Andrew were fishermen.
Matthew aka Levi was a tax-collector
Nathaniel a Noblesman
Thomas was a servant
Judas was a bookeeper
Paul was a tentmaker
Simon was a zealot, a rebel
The Bible really doesnt say what Bartholomew did

My point is sometimes we need to be careful of what we glorify. I believe it is awesome how God has blessed Hillsong. But I also still know some people over in Mexico and it's amazing how God has blessed them. We are free to be us small or big! My prayer is that we focus on the calling that God has for us and not the cause that the world wants. May we understand that God uses all big and small! 

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