December 27, 2009

I will not write much....but before you read what I have to say watch this video from Matt Chandler.

1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

I believe so many times when we look at people we see then in either two ways....perfect or with fault. The more and more I look at this the more and more I see how off we can get with the Good News. My prayer is that we would see all people for who they really are... Sinners who needed Jesus to lay his life down so that we would become a new person free from sin.

December 23, 2009

Very cool song

We have
The chance to turn the pages over
We can write what we want to write
We gotta make ends meet, before we get much older

We're all someone's daughter
We're all someone's son
How long can we look at each other
Down the barrel of a gun?

You're the voice, try and understand it
Make a noise and make it clear
Oh-o-o-o, whoa-o-o-o!
We're not gonna sit in silence
We're not gonna live with fear
Oh-o-o-o, whoa-o-o-o!

This time
We know we all stand together
With the power to be powerful
Believing, we can make it better

We're all someone's daughter
We're all someone's son
How long can we look at each other
Down the barrel of a gun?...

You're the voice, try and understand it
Make a noise and make it clear
Oh-o-o-o, whoa-o-o-o!
We're not gonna sit in silence
We're not gonna live with fear
Oh-o-o-o, whoa-o-o-o!

{Instrumental[Bag Pipes(Tin Whistle)]}

We're all someone's daughter
We're all someone's son
How long can we look at each other
Down the barrel of a gun?...

You're the voice, try and understand it
Make a noise and make it clear
Oh-o-o-o, whoa-o-o-o!
We're not gonna sit in silence
We're not gonna live with fear
Oh-o-o-o, whoa-o-o-o!
(repeat until end of song)

Are we really all that different??

I must admit I sometimes find things to be a bit unfair in life. One of my greatest weakness in life I believe is looking at small things. I lose keys, cards, and even my head at times. I simply don't think about it. This has always been a struggle for me in life. For some reason last year God started birthing a new way to look at him. My view was wrong...I loved worship services and speakers and I thought I always found God there. I believe he was in all of those things. But I must admit I also became a bit about me and my relationship with Christ thinking that the worlds problems would be solved. I knew something wasn't right in my personal relationship and it started to hit me that God wanted so much more then just a service or a good sermon. I started looking at how Christ did such small things to help people and to show them that he was real. Something else I was battling was why did people in ministry has to put on this act and make it seem like they have it all together.

Now I must admit there was a time in my life that I felt that I had to do that. I wouldn't dare tell any student that I didn't always listen to Christian music. One day it really hit me that God is so powerful that he works in some of the most creative ways and uses some of the most unusual people. I was able to see this take place many different times. He took the lead guitar player for korn that was using drugs and made him a believer. I never really enjoyed baseball until Josh Hamilton came along and now he is one of my personal heroes. God has such away in working in our lives.

I tell this story while speaking at schools. In 2002 I went on a Mission Trip to Mexico that changed my life. I fell in love with people there for many different reasons. The week I was there God came in and did a new work in my life that only he can put together. To this day my favorite worship was in Spanish. I knew the melody to song (Shout to the lord) couldn't understand the words. There were about 15 people there and knew that God was in that hot building. While we were there we came in contact with a young boy that was 12 and he was homeless. Now he helped us work and do some other things. Long story short was that he stole money and food from us.

When he did this people I was with became upset with him. The young boy came back to eat with us and the gate was shut on him. He said is Spanish "You are just like all other Americans." What I saw was amazing, the students we took stood up and said "We need to talk to him!" When adults ran him out our youth took a stand. I was amazed and what cooler was one of the youth we took lead to him Christ.

Proverbs 22:2Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all.

Even though we are all different and made in a unique way, what we have in common is that we come from the Lord. No matter rich, poor, popular, or social reject we have been created by him.

John Maxwell

Our church staff goes through a monthly leadership teaching from John Maxwell. This months was about favorite books that impacted his life. I really enjoyed hearing him talk about the last book he spoke about. "The Soul of Firm" from William Pollard. I really like what he had to say about serving others. He talked about giving other people value....when you look at it that is the point of the Christian faith. Christ came to not be served but to serve. I believe there are times that we forget that. Also he talked about making choices in life and how we think so much about it. He said it's better to to manage the choice. Even though this was not one of my favorite teachings from him, I did enjoy hearing him talk about what shaped his life.

December 22, 2009

He is enough!

Matt.17:14-21) And when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him and saying, "Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. So I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him." Then Jesus answered and said, "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me." And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not cast it out?" So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."

The other day while I was reading that really stuck out to me for some reason! I believe in my heart it was for a couple of reasons.

1. We are here to deliver the message and have faith that our God is who he says he is and he can all things that is in his will.
2. We see that Jesus' disciples are human...they are not like.....THERE GOES JESUS AGAIN! NO, they are like...why can't we do this?
3. Jesus answers honestly and he makes it simple.

What I love the most is how Jesus in his love, faith, and passion he not only heals but he teaches. The point of God is the display of his glory, love, and compassion. I believe we can have so many good things outside of Christ. Look around the world and see the the rich men...I love how we quote "Money can't by you happiness" but wait a second don't we always feel a little better when we have allot? I must admit it...I do! We can have good relationships outside of Christ and they be enjoyable. Some how we believe where their is happiness that is where we can find Christ. Then in secret we suffer because we struggle with questions and we feel we can't ask them.

John 3:3-15

"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
4"How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!" 5Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' 8The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."9"How can this be?" Nicodemus asked.10"You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, "and do you not understand these things? 11I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man. 14Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.

I love this because it's a guy who is asking what seems to be basic questions to the savior and the savior answers him. I must admit a struggle that I have and a struggle that I am begging Jesus to really help me with. The struggle is getting really frustrated with Christian people. You put me in the room full of a bunch of lost people and I feel right at home, you place me in a room full of good christian folks and I feel weird. It has always been that way for me....I was 12 and my aunt begging me to go to church and I didn't want to go because I felt that I didn't know enough and if I asked questions then I would look like I was good enoguh. BUT I WAS LOST! At the age of 15 I picked up a Bible and thought I could read it from front to back....I didn't. My grandmother prayed for me and the pastor from the old country church would speak to me.

My struggle was simple I simply didn't fit in. I didn't know all the words. By the age of 19 I knew something had to change and I was missing something big and that was my savior. I was missing heaven and for the first time I got something. Fast forward now 27 years old...youth pastor and working in the school. I ask myself all the time now, why would Jesus save me and give me a chance to make something new? It's's for his glory. What I am begging God to do is to help me know that he is enough and what other people might think or do has no impact on my salvation.

The other day...Thursday to be exact I went to see a school kids baby at the hospital. Another one of my student's was there. He said something awesome that really just hit me hard.... Mr. Bradshaw, I haven't smoked pot in two weeks. I am like...that's cool. Then he says I started reading the Bible the other day...but it's the King James with all the thy and thou. That moment I felt right at home in that hospital room, because when I looked into this youth that is At-Risk I saw Jesus. This kid struggles more then I will understand, his dad passed away when he was two from Drugs. At the age of 14 he found himself getting involved as well with drugs. Then I asked God Why? This could have been me and why would you save me but allow him to go down this path. The answer was simple.... For his Glory!

It is because of the Glory of Jesus Christ that a kid that smokes pot and never picks up a school book will pick up a Bible for hope and direction. It is for the glory of God that the rich man will give up everything to follow Christ. I believe the reason I feel more at home with those who are lost, because I feel that way at times. But you see the difference is that down deep inside I know I am in the arms of Christ. No matter what season I am in my goal is to show him that I am real.

I choose to not talk allot about my past, because I am not happy about it. Even as I write this I want to be careful because I never want to hurt my family or loved ones. I was okay with allot of it until two years ago. For some reason out of the blue I started struggling. I will never blame my parents because down deep inside I believe they did their best and I also believe their is no room for blame. This is what I will say though! My home was violent at times and I can remember being in the other room hearing my parents fight. My dad has an issue with drinking, but I knew he loved me. The day he died I remember thinking "All of this pain is over" I thought since he was gone things would get better. But they didn't....but through this time I was searching and asking God questions all the time!

Even though some of those things haunt me today, I look back and say that God gets all the glory. It has prepared me for today and in the future. To this day I have struggles with pain and feeling like maybe I am doing the wrong thing...but I know I am in his hands. I believe if we were all honest then we would all have to admit that we feel that way. What the devil meant for evil God made into good. But I believe that God is most glorified when everything is gone and he is enough. It's not like when we get the bad news or something happens to our family that we just say "God is enough" I mean that when it come to that time in the middle of the pain I can scream out that he is enough!

That is my prayer for that 14 year old. That is prayer that I have for all man kind.....I must be honest, I don't always listen to Christian music.... infact I find my self on days listening less and less. Now I love worship music and if I was to make a choice between mainstream christian and worship....I would go with worship. When I first became saved I would only listen to Christian and thought you were evil if you didn't listen to it. This is my point, we do not serve an American God. We serve a powerful God and he deeply in love with his children. He is a God that allows us to question things, he is a God that allows us to go through some pain, and he is a God that will pick us up and dust us off say I LOVE YOU! This is only done through the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. The cross is the reason that I had the chance to break the chain of alcohol addiction in my family. I don't mind people who drink and I believe it is okay with in limits and if you are of age. But you see because of his Glory he has been able to show me he is enough.

I will close with this....I am not sure why God made the choice to use me, but I do know this he loved my dad and he loves my mother just as much as he loves me. He loves that 14 year old smoking dope just as much as he love you. I feel there are times in my life to where I get off track and I am not sure why. But I believe that Christ has come to save and also teach. But I also believe we all must be open to what he has to say!

December 19, 2009


We are now less then a week away from Christmas and I believe I have been to more Christmas parties and celebrations this week then my whole life. I believe it's all good and at the same time I ask myself....Why??? Why we celebrate the birth of our king once a year??? I have also been asking alot about community with the believers and what that looks like?? Guess what??? I am not here to answer that question because I am not sure. I must admit the last three or four weeks of life has been a blur. I am not sure that everyone has understood or if I have been 100% honest because I didn't really know until yesterday when it was over. For the last couple of years I have been trying to follow a set schedule... I understand that is easy for some people, but for not so easy. Infact I hate it but I understand I must do it to function. Between church and my job at times I feel that I dont want a schedule. With work I must follow my schedule to the T! I have five minute passing periods, three days with with 20 minute lunch breaks, and I must teach bell to bell because free days in high school always end in a disaster.

Because I had a week long training and there were only 16 weeks in this semester and I had to teach 15 weeks you can imagine the last two weeks of my life. But then yesterday it hit me, because I have been really negative and frustrated for the last month with just life...... God has really blessed me more then I could ever imagine. It hit me while I was at a little get together yesterday afternoon with a group of students after school. This teachers aide has an ability to really connect with students in a way that has been awesome to watch and she has about three or four students come over make cookies and watch Madea goes to jail. I was like any other school thing because I make the choice to work more with this group of kids because I believe it is where God has called me. But what hit me was....we were doing life together and laughing.

I must admit I have always struggled with doing just that. I grew up in a home to where we didnt say "I love you" I was the oldest of now four and I was the example. So at the age of 14 or 15 I started working and while sitting there thinking God that I am getting a couple of weeks off of work for Christmas what hit be is that we just saw community. As we were watching this movie we just started talking about life! then the teachers aide kids come in, both run up and give me a bear hug (he is a freshman in high school and the other one is a freshman in college) it was just an awesome time of fellowhip with not just the kids but the adults.

In the last year of my life I have become a very social person and less about work, work, work. I believe that has been a growth for me in my ministry and personal life. To me it's okay to leave work at youth kids at the church I am seeing it's okay to go out and have fun. My students I work with at cooper I find it important for me to go to some of the events and outings to build a true relationship.

Jesus built relationships that offered support, accountability, laughter, challenge, and deep trust. I believe this is so important in the area of life. We all need to do this and it's important. I had a good friend the other day that get up in my face and told me that I needed to get some stuff together. I love that, I love to know that I might get told something but I am not going to be in trouble the whole time. But for the last month for me it hasn't been that way and this is why???

Many of you heard about the young man that was shot in the leg and died in Abilene. He use to be one of my students. When it happend it really hit me of how many students went through the system or now they are dead or have been apart of killing someone else. My problem is I feel guilty for those things.....the other day I called up one of my old students and I asked what made you change and his response was awesome he said "you were straight up with your beliefs and then you would give us a hug, I always knew you loved me" WOW! that hit me hard because I remember those days. If a person didn't want to change I didn't bother with to much....sounds bad, but it's what I did. Then somehow is the last year or so....I went a different direction to where I wanted to see change, but I wanted to do it. I believe that cant be done that has to be done my Jesus the power of all change. I am now seeing again that I must invest into a few so that many can change the world. It is what Jesus did! Never forsake the crowld speak life into them, but at the end of the day that have to make the change.

My boss yesterday said the best thing "you can only go as far as your students want to go" meaning that while I am in the classroom and at church, there is no need to be frustrated at myself like I have been or them. It is their choice and they will pay a price no matter what. I can only contorl me and no one else. After admitting that and seeing that I feel the world has been lifed off my shoulders!

Community....I am not sure what it is, but I do know this Jesus must be in it! In order for it to happen we must do it more then once or twice a year. It's called a relationship! Our relationship with Christ is the upmost importance no matter what!

December 16, 2009

Stuff from CNN again!

You can also go to their website at

I read this on CNN Heros

CAVITE CITY, Philippines (CNN) -- At 16, Rhandolf Fajardo reflects on his former life as a gang member. My gang mates were the most influential thing in my life," says Fajardo, who joined a gang when he was in sixth grade. "We were pressured to join."
He's not alone. In the Philippines, teenage membership in urban gangs has surged to an estimated 130,000 in the past 10 years, according to the Preda Foundation, a local human rights charity. "I thought I'd get stuck in that situation and that my life would never improve," recalls Fajardo. "I would probably be in jail right now, most likely a drug addict -- if I hadn't met Efren."
Efren Peñaflorida, 28, also was bullied by gangs in high school. Today, he offers Filipino youth an alternative to gang membership through education. Vote now for the CNN Hero of the Year
"Gang members are groomed in the slums as early as 9 years old," says Peñaflorida. "They are all victims of poverty."For the past 12 years, Peñaflorida and his team of teen volunteers have taught basic reading and writing to children living on the streets. Their main tool: A pushcart classroom. Stocked with books, pens, tables and chairs, his Dynamic Teen Company recreates a school setting in unconventional locations such as the cemetery and municipal trash dump.
Peñaflorida knows firsthand the adversity faced by these children. Born into a poor family, he lived in a shanty near the city dump site. But he says he refused to allow his circumstances to define his future. "Instead of being discouraged, I promised myself that I would pursue education," he recalls. "I will strive hard; I will do my best."Don't Miss
Get involved: Dynamic Teen Company
In depth: CNN Heroes
In high school, Peñaflorida faced a new set of challenges. Gang activity was rampant; they terrorized the student body, vandalized the school and inducted members by forcing them to rape young girls, he says."I felt the social discrimination. I was afraid to walk down the street."
Peñaflorida remembers standing up to a gang leader, refusing to join his gang. That confrontation proved fateful. At 16, he and his friends "got the idea to divert teenagers like us to be productive," he says. He created the Dynamic Teen Company to offer his classmates an outlet to lift up themselves and their community. For Peñaflorida, that meant returning to the slums of his childhood to give kids the education he felt they deserved. "They need education to be successful in life. It's just giving them what others gave to me," he says.
Today, children ranging from ages 2 to 14 flock to the pushcart every Saturday to learn reading, writing, arithmetic and English from Peñaflorida and his trained teen volunteers. Watch Peñaflorida and his group in action with their push cart classroom » "Our volunteers serve as an inspiration to other children," he says. The group also runs a hygiene clinic, where children can get a bath and learn how to brush their teeth. Since 1997, an estimated 10,000 members have helped teach more than 1,500 children living in the slums. The organization supports its efforts by making and selling crafts and collecting items to recycle. Take a look at the slums where Peñaflorida and his group spend their Saturdays »
Through his group, Peñaflorida has successfully mentored former gang members, addicts and dropouts, seeing potential where others see problems.
"Before, I really didn't care for my life," says Michael Advincula, who started doing drugs when he was 7. "But then Efren patiently dug me from where I was buried. It was Efren who pushed me to get my life together." Watch Advincula describe how he met Peñaflorida in the slums »
Today, Advincula is a senior in high school and one of the group's volunteers.
Peñaflorida hopes to expand the pushcart to other areas, giving more children the chance to learn and stay out of gangs. "I always tell my volunteers that you are the change that you dream and I am the change that I dream. And collectively we are the change that this world needs to be."

More Creed Music!

I got into this whole Creed thing!!!! Yet another song!

December 15, 2009

New Creed Song

So the other day I was driving out Jim Ned and listening to 95Q and their morning show and I heard this song come on the radio. I was like who is that??? Then the DJ said Creed and I was excited. As many of you know that Scott Stapp gave his life over to christ and made some huge changes. I thought it was awesome that he was back with the group and I found my new favorite CD! Bringing back memories of 1998 and drivers ed! Me and my friend would listen to Creed all the time while driving!

September 11, 2001

This spring break I have the chance to take a trip of a lifetime to New York. If you were to ask what am I looking forward to?? I would tell you going to ground zero and having the chance to show respect to the place that changed our lives. I will never forget the day for as long as I live. I was a young 19 year old working for Power 103 and KBCY. Our operations manager called everyone in to work around the clock. Then right after that I went to KTAB TV to work my shift and it was there when I knew my life had changed.

I will never forget the newsroom and how it felt....Bob Bartlett who was able to always hold back emotions cried several times on-air. Tom Brokaw lost it, Dan rather had to ask someone to take over for him for a bit. News people were n longer trying to get the top story. We all came together and were able to see Unity. But this what got me the most....the kids who lost parents. Bellow is a video that will make you cry and it is a little girl who lost her father in September 11.

More then anything else when I go I want to be there and I want to remember an even that brought me closer to my savior Jesus Christ. I knew at that moment that my life would be different. But also while I am there I want to honor those who gave their lives to rescue and keep in mind that even though I dont always understand God has a plan that is bigger than I. From what I hear from people that City is not the same. I love history! Most of all I love the people of history!

December 13, 2009

Better Days

If you ask anyone who works with teens or children they will more then likely sit down and tell you the biggest question is Why??? I believe that working with any student is going to have it's ups and downs. There are times that I am frustrated and times that I am excited. I am slowly learning that that God's love and grace goes far and beyond you an I, but yet we are right in the middle for one of the greatest rides of all times. For the last two weeks I know all that we have heard on the news in Abilene is "bad news" about our teens. I have been one of those peoples who have been frustrated with the news, schools, and even the church (the church as a whole....not just the Mission) as I was frustrated and mad it hit me hard that I am not doing a single thing by being upset. I believe it's time to look at the positive. 115 Freshman students from Cooper serving at Mission Thanksgiving. The $820.00 that was raised for foster care kids for Christmas. Teachers writing 25.00 checks to help out a teen that will not have a Christmas.

As I was driving to a school the other day it really hit me when I heard a song from the Goo Goo Dolls. The song is "Better Days." Bellow is the lyrics that hit me the most!

I need some place simple where we could live
and something only you can give
and that's faith and trust and peace while we're alive
and the one poor child who saved this world
and there's ten million more who probably could
if we all just stopped and said a prayer for them

I know our salvation comes from Christ, however God has put you and I in charge to spread his word of love and compassion. I believe that Christ is the only one that is able to give us the peace that we all need. At the same time we must remember how Jesus was born here on planet earth. His reason was not so God could make a statement, it was simple he was need of a savior. The other part of the song hit me hard as well.

I wish everyone was loved tonight
And somehow stop this endless fight
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
So take these words
And sing out loud
Cuz everyone is forgiven now
Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again
Cuz tonight's the night the world begins again

I see that with our community now that we are fighting a endless fight because we live in a world that is not our home. We are going to have better days and we must have the faith in Jesus Christ to provide that. Instead of trying to fight something that is ongoing, lets start with loving and showing respect to people.
I wish everyone was loved tonight
And somehow stop this endless fight
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days