February 28, 2010


After my last post and thinking allot about the "Great Commission," and how we believe as people. Today once again we watch the news about another earthquake and asking God why? Now I am not believe that God creates the earthquake, however I can't help but be admire by God and how he shows himself. You see there was a huge difference between Hatti and Chilii in many ways. Chilli is a location that is prepared for this type of event. If I understand right this is the 6th largest earthquake in history. So me being me I always want to no more about the people and what they believe. i was a bit surprise at their life style and what they believe.

Facts and Statistics
Location: Southern South America, bordering the South Pacific Ocean, between Argentina and Peru
Capital: Santiago
Population: 15,980,912 (July 2005 est.)
Ethnic Groups: white and white-Amerindian 95%, Amerindian 3%, other 2%
Religions: Roman Catholic 89%, Protestant 11%, Jewish NEGL%
Language in Chile
Spanish in the official language of Chile. There are also quite a few indigenous languages such as  Mapudungun (spoken between the Itata and Tolten rivers) and Aymara (spoken in the mountains of the north).
Chilean Culture & Society
. Most Chileans are Roman Catholics.
. The religion has played a large role in defining social and political life.
. Religious instruction in public schools is almost exclusively Roman Catholic.
Abortion is actually illegal due to the influence of the Church.
. Divorce was illegal until 2004.
. Most national holidays are religious in nature.
. Chileans of more mature generations still celebrate their saint's day as much as they do their own birthday.
The Role of the Family
. The family occupies a central role in Chilean life.
. Extended families are very close and will frequently congregate for major occasions and celebrations.
. Family and business are intertwined to the extent that nepotism is seen as a positive concept.
. Many small firms will be 100% family run.
Class Structure
. Chilean history has had a large influence on modern day class lines.
. Generally speaking, class in drawn along financial lines.
. Today's wealthiest class are more or less the same land owning families of before.
. A middle class has developed of late and now accounts for nearly a half of the population. 
Classes are fluid and it is possible to move either upwards or downwards depending on your salary.
Social Profiling
. Due to class structures it is commonplace for people to try and deduce another's position in the social rank.
. This is primarily done through external appearances, i.e. dress, etc.
. As a result they present themselves in the best possible way.

As I read that I was amazed with how this location is similar to our lifestyle in America. There are some differences for sure but at the same time they carry allot of the same traditions. This is starting to show me that God is more about people and not what condition they are in. I believe events like this change more then just life, it changes what we think or believe.

 Mark 10:17As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. 19You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother."Teacher," he declared, "all these I have kept since I was a boy."Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!" The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 25It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."The disciples were even more amazed, and said to each other, "Who then can be saved?"
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!" "I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life. 31But many who are first will be last, and the last first."
 Could it be with rich man that the injustice in his life would be his money and stuff? We focus so much on injustice being the poor, but what about the rich man? Be honest with yourself, do you not find yourself happier when you have all that you need. It's amazing in America around income tax time people have a change in moods. They buy stuff that they have wanted! Then we run out of money and we are right back to where we were at.

In Chile the mood about the earthquake was way different from haiti. I jumped online to see if anyone posted anything on facebook about praying for Chile and I didn't see much. My question is why?? Because we are still talking about human life aren't we? Think about it the TV media get it, they are still wall to wall reporting. I am learning more and more WE MUST BE CAREFUL! Jesus minister to the rich man and when he heard that belongings would not save him he was upset. Why do we think that the Great Commission is only reaching out to the poor and believe the rich are okay.

I am praying that we understand the "Great Commission" has more to do with us obey what Jesus had to say to us. Also I believe that God wants to give us the same lesson has the rich man. We must understand that God loves all, not just ones we can give stuff.

February 26, 2010

The Great Commision

For the last five years I have been involved at Mission Abilene, a church for the poor and outcast. I 100% believe in it and it's amazing how it has changed my point of view. We all know the great commission and we know it's something we are to do, but today something got my attention. I was in Subway for lunch and while I was there I over heard two mail carriers talking about the Bible. I heard something that just blew me away, he said.... "When someone say we agree to disagree, that is nothing but a way out" he went on saying that that either you believe or don't believe. Someone can't be a christian and say "There is no hell," what is the point of the great commission then?To some how believe that everyone will make it to heaven goes against the cross. Two thief's one rejects the other doesn't. The one that does not reject the cross and it's power because of the man on it enters the kingdom of heaven.

I work with youth and I believe in youth ministry 100% it has it's ups and downs. My fear about it is that so many youth pastors will not speak to their students about truth. How any students are in my ministry lost? That is a question I must ask. I am not into using hell to scare someone into heaven, I don't even find that to be the way to invite someone in. I do believe in the great commission though.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
I am for social justice as well but I sometimes ask myself do I push people further into their problem by doing things for them? My point with this is that you turn on the news and all you hear about is healthcare and the Government taking care of it. I tend to be quite on this issue,but I feel I must say....the government is not the answer. What can they really do? It doesn't take much to understand that we are spoiled people and believe things should be handed down to us. I believe in taking care of our kids and elderly please understand that. But to put that on our government, in my opinion is wrong. My point is for all of us to understand that Jesus wanted us to all to understand the importance of pointing people back to the cross and teaching them to do what is right.

After listening to several podcast and sitting in several classes now about this issue the more I see that we do the opposite. I am not for someone trying to do something because they are trying to impress others or God. I believe we obey God and do what is right because we love God. We have started to tell people to not worry about doing what is right, just do what you would like to do. I am not the type of person to believe the world is going going to hell in a hand basket, but I do ask, do we truly understand?  I fear that many times in order to help people we enable them even more. We want to be politically correct that we no longer demand respect in the right way from people. I see many kids looking for someone who will love them and at the same time stand up to them. We spend much of our time trying to get people to like us. My question is what did people think when Jesus said the following.

Matthew 23
11-12"Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.  13"I've had it with you! You're hopeless, you religion scholars, you Pharisees! Frauds! Your lives are roadblocks to God's kingdom. You refuse to enter, and won't let anyone else in either.  15"You're hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You go halfway around the world to make a convert, but once you get him you make him into a replica of yourselves, double-damned.16-22"You're hopeless! What arrogant stupidity! You say, 'If someone makes a promise with his fingers crossed, that's nothing; but if he swears with his hand on the Bible, that's serious.' What ignorance! Does the leather on the Bible carry more weight than the skin on your hands? And what about this piece of trivia: 'If you shake hands on a promise, that's nothing; but if you raise your hand that God is your witness, that's serious'? What ridiculous hairsplitting! What difference does it make whether you shake hands or raise hands? A promise is a promise. What difference does it make if you make your promise inside or outside a house of worship? A promise is a promise. God is present, watching and holding you to account regardless.23-24"You're hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You keep meticulous account books, tithing on every nickel and dime you get, but on the meat of God's Law, things like fairness and compassion and commitment—the absolute basics!—you carelessly take it or leave it. Careful bookkeeping is commendable, but the basics are required. Do you have any idea how silly you look, writing a life story that's wrong from start to finish, nitpicking over commas and semicolons?25-26"You're hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun, while the insides are maggoty with your greed and gluttony. Stupid Pharisee! Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something. 
 My point is that Jesus has called all of us to bring someone else up. Not to just harp on them, but to point them to the cross. I believe in that passage Jesus was doing just that. Yes he was chewing them out, but I believe it was out of love.

teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
We must teach the whole truth not just part of it. It's amazing how two me can make an impact on someones life at Subway and never know it. 

February 19, 2010

Who we want to be??

It's amazing how God has giving us the grace to be who he wants us to be. But I must admit in the last year I have been struggling with our language about people and those who are in the faith. To this day I can tell you of two of the best worship expierences I have had in my life. One was in a big setting and the other was in a small setting.

Small Setting:
It was 2003 when I went on a Mission Trip to Mexico. While I was there I spent allot of time finding more out about myself and what God would want for me. One night we had this worship service and I wasn't able to understand the lyrics because it was in Spanish. It was the best setting in the world and to this day I would put in a highlight of my times with Christ.

Big Setting:
Two years ago in Houston with 2000 people at a Hillsong conference. Behind me was a guy who was worshiping and singing loud in Japaneses. I was amazed with how big God was to make a song that has an impact on me to have the same impact in a different language.

We have the freedom to be us, but we strive to be like other people. We strive to be "big time" but how many small people are there for every big name? Do we believe that God only uses the big or do we believe he uses all? We of course you said yes, then Why? Why do we focus on the big but not the small? As I read through my Bible God used all people, but who were his 12 disciples??

Peter, Philip, James, John,and Andrew were fishermen.
Matthew aka Levi was a tax-collector
Nathaniel a Noblesman
Thomas was a servant
Judas was a bookeeper
Paul was a tentmaker
Simon was a zealot, a rebel
The Bible really doesnt say what Bartholomew did

My point is sometimes we need to be careful of what we glorify. I believe it is awesome how God has blessed Hillsong. But I also still know some people over in Mexico and it's amazing how God has blessed them. We are free to be us small or big! My prayer is that we focus on the calling that God has for us and not the cause that the world wants. May we understand that God uses all big and small! 

Score International

I was listening to a Sermon from Cornerstone Church and found out about this ministry that is the past that uses Baseball to show Christ to the people in the Haiti area. They have been doing this for year! VERY cool stuff. Is amazing how God uses everything!

February 15, 2010


Proverbs 29:21 If a man pampers his servant from youth, he will bring grief in the end.
On this I tend to stay away from programing for youth ministry and going into details about youth ministry in America. However today I read this and it hit me hard as a youth pastor and the youth of today. For the last year or so God has really convicted me of how I run a youth ministry and the American youth group. I believe we have community down and even discipleship as far as teaching the word. My fear is that many times we miss the big picture because we pamper our youth for numbers and to keep the church happy. Let be honest the first question that is asked is "How many kids do you have?" So when you are a person that has the ability to draw great numbers and build a program that is producing "fruit" but at the end is that what we are doing. Please understand that I am not saying that all youth ministry is bad, because it is not. I believe we are doing a great job in many areas. I also believe that sometimes we hold back.

Watch this video from Francis Chan as he talks about Flavorless Salt. Then come back and I hope you have a better understanding.

Going back to proverbs and reading that makes me wonder if we could do something different. If all we do is pamper (To give in to; gratify: He pampered his ambition for wealth and fame.) do we just allow them to continue to live in a way that dishonors God.

2Timothy 2:22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
I see more and more a group of people who are in trouble with themselves. I understand the Lord loves them, but he also has a plan for them. Because we refuse to stand up to the world they live in and out of love redirect them to their creator we miss out on something big!  So my question is my don't we become less about our worship bands and style and more at leading them to the Cross of Jesus Christ. Last year we had a wonderful worship team and they were talented. A few graduated and left, then we didn't have much. God is restoring that right now as we speak. But my prayer is that they just not talk and say a bunch of stuff, but that we would lead them to the cross.

We pulled out of a larger group teaching for a bit and now only do small groups. We have lost some people because of it, but I will tell you our students have grown deeper in their relationship. Not because we have an awesome program, but we know whats up in their life. Now we have students who are truly doing outreach and it's less about the fun or prize. In fact I refuse to give a prize out to a student who brings a friend. Did you see Jesus saying to his disciple you bring 100 friends and I will give you an Ipod. No the disciples did it because it was asked of them to reach out.

A few weeks ago I had a student that did something that upset me, but also impressed me at the same time. We missed him on the van so I had one of my leaders go and pick him up. Before the leader could get there he had already left walking to Church. The walk is four miles through Abilene for him. He cam to church at a super bowl party a year ago and has been there since. This is the first thing that he has ever stuck with in his life. I have had the chance to lead him to Christ and baptize him. I was upset because he disobeyed his mother on leaving, but he walked it was important to him.

He came from a Superbowl party so God used it. I am all for the events and I believe God uses them. I also believe that we much challenge our youth in obeying God as well.

New York and Homeless

As I contiue blogging about my prayers for our trip to New York today I am going to talk about seving those who are the least of these.

Romans 12:14Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
My prayer is that has we go through this week that I learn to love in a way that I have never loved before. I feel that many times I tend to myself above different groups of people. I believe it is something we all do, however we need to make sure that we understand that God has a love for all. In this world it's so hard to understand that because of what the world tells you. As we work with kids, the homeless, and church leaders in New York my prayer is that our Egos and opinions stay out of the way and we serve the body of Christ.

  • I also pray that we all have a better understanding of the homeless and we try to make a bigger impact in our home city. many times we tend to stay in our comfort zone and forget that they are people as well.
  • My prayer is that we will also understand that God has created us all different and that is all of his purpose and Glory
  • Also I pray that we do not go with the mindset that we are going to changes the lives of people in New York, but with the mindset that together we are going to allow The Father to change us for his glory!
I am going to contiue to pray and ask God to give us his words!

February 13, 2010

New York Mission Trip

Well It's hard to believe that we are just four weeks away from going to New York City. Four students, three adults join several other churches in Abilene to attend this spring break. I am going to start posting more and more about the trip. First I am going to tell you about the people who are going with us and how we selected the students to go. As youth pastor and the season we were in as a youth group I didn't feel it would be healthy or the right thing to make it open for everyone. I didn't want this to just be a vacation, but I wanted it to be an experience that the students wouldn't forget and they would learn the art of giving back to the world. So we selected 13 students to take this trip but with a twist. The deal was to turn in your deposits and to fund-raise. Along with that students were asked to give back to their community in service projects. At the end four stuck with it and they are now on their way to New York. 
Most would look at that and say "that's not fair" and you might be right. But the point we wanted to make was that going for God's will takes more then just signing up and going. Following the will of God mean working hard and having faith. Because until now all I have done is giving a few students fund-raising packets. They have been gathering donations from family and friends. At the same time we are going to take them to places in New York so they can have an experience like never before. Some are afraid of the flight and others fear getting lost. As we get closer and closer the more they look forward to the trip. 

My prayer is that God will use all of on this trip. 

Here is some of what we will be doing. 

St. Johns Bread and Life (www.breadandlife.org) is a homeless ministry in Brooklyn. There is a soup kitchen and food pantry and many other volunteer opportunities at this facility. This is one of the largest soup kitchens in New York City.

“The Soup Kitchen, Mobile Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry are the heart and soul of the daily work we do at St. John's Bread and Life. St. John's Bread and Life is the largest emergency provider in Brooklyn, second largest in New York City, and we feed 1,000 people every day as Christ would, no questions asked. Beyond the nourishment of food, we offer respect and support to our needy community, including legal and medical referrals, nutritional counseling and single stop social services.”

NYC Rescue Mission (www.nycrescue.org) this is the oldest rescue mission in New York. This is located in Manhattan close to China Town. The work here will include cleaning, cooking, and eating with those who visit.

“The objective of the New York City Rescue Mission (NYCRM), America's First Rescue Mission, has remained the same since its founding in 1872: to provide spiritual hope, food, clothing and shelter to people in crisis in New York City. This model has been replicated by 300 rescue missions throughout the country.”

 At Urban Impact (urbanimpactny.com) we will work at the South Asian Learning Center where we will have the opportunity to teach ESL to Asian Immigrants living in the Jackson Heights neighborhood (also known as Little India). Since many of these people are Muslim and Hindu, classes are separated by male and female. You will teach English to these people who do not yet or who are in the learning process of learning English as a second language.  We will also work at the African Friendship Center at there after school program for students. Also there is a possibility for some small construction work. 

“Urban Impact is an outreach ministry to unreached people groups here in New York.  Most of the people we minister to come from closed countries where missionaries and evangelism are not allowed.  Presently, we are oversee two evangelistic ministry centers: one geared toward Muslims from West Africans, and the other center which evangelizes and serves Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs of South Asia.”

We are the World (Watch the Whole video to Understand)

We Are The World  For Haiti from ldmgtf on Vimeo.

I find this to be amazing. 80 Artist get together to re-record we are the world. Allot of people have said they don't like it. I just find it awesome how every style of music has been placed into one song. Artist from all ages and all over the world together. Continue to pray for this country!

  • QUINCY JONES – Executive Producer
  • LIONEL RICHIE – Executive Producer
  • WYCLEF JEAN – Executive Producer
  • RICKEY MINOR – Producer
  • RedOne – Producer
  • T PAIN
  • MYA
  • P!NK
  • AKON
  • ISSAC SLADE (aka The Fray)
  • MANN
  • IYAZ

February 9, 2010

Set the World on Fire

Set the World on Fire (Britt Nicole) v2 from Bryan on Vimeo.

Chad has been on this series about goals and plans in life. I must admit it has been life changing for me in many ways. But I must admit what has stood out to me the most is how many people believe in the power of God, but yet has a difficult believing in the power that God has giving them. I have been learning that the point is for you and I do be weak so he can show that he is strong. I find it to be interesting how he desires to use you and I to change this world.

Today I set down with an old student who graduated last year. Their have been some poor choices he has made, but through it he has found his way to knowing who God is. He has plans to go and spend  to 9 months with a group of young men learning and soul searching. The words I gave to him were "stop asking people and tell them what you are going to do." I 100% believe in getting advice but we also need to keep in mind that we are the ones who makes the choice. At the same time we need to understand that the same goes for other people. Christ gave us the choice and he has trust in us.

Many times in this life we are trying to get other people to buy into our plan or give us the go ahead, but the reality God told to to GO! We have been called to set this world on fire for Jesus. I have been asked several times what is it that I want my students to understand. After a few years of this I know my first year, I didn't have a clue, second year.....well the same as the first, and this year...well not sure. Sounds like I am a bad youth pastor. The reason I say that is I want God to give it to them. I think I know but it changes. I have an idea but I am not sure bt I believe that God will give it to them in the right time.

The one thing I wish student leaders would understand....students could careless about what you say until you take a stand for something. We have very clear guidelines in our youth group now that I didn't have at first. It was all about freedom at first...now it's more about God has a plan for your life and we see something in you...do the right thing. Let me tell you the students have loved it, just as much as they have hated it. We spend less time entertaining them and more time investing into them. I has become less about who is the "leader" and about what the group is doing. I LOVE IT NOW! Because they are called by God to set this world on fire.

Believe in you God and the God in you. Lets trust God and the God in others. Where people weak allow God to be strong. We are little but he is BIG!  

February 7, 2010

Glory to God Forever

Glory to God Forever from Connect Church on Vimeo.
As I learn more and more it amazes me that we serve a God that knew and knows what will take place in the world we live in. I am also amazed with the fact God would want to use us for his will on planet earth. I have spending some time really looking at the gifts of people and I see more and more how people feel they are not gifted. I am becoming more and more amazed that God is so powerful that he has a will and he is perfect. He puts his work into our hands and says "Follow Me." There have been a few things I have been praying about for the last month or so since the earth quake in Haiti. For some reason when this took place it hit me hard in a way that I can not explain. Mainly because before this took place it was already a place that lacked the basics.
As I watched this unfold on TV I asked myself "What makes me different from them." 700 miles from American soil there is a place to where children are sold and child slavery is alive. So as I have been praying about it I have been asking God what he wanted me to do to be apart of his will. I didn't want it to be now because we will start to forget. But I knew that God wanted me to go! So, after praying about it I believe that this summer I am going to take a trip there with an organization. I am praying that I will be going with some other people in Abilene. It's amazing how before this earth quake took place God took me through a season of shaping me for what would take place. Trials in our life will always catch us by surprise but with God? He knew and will always know.
Psalm 55:22
Pile your troubles on GOD's shoulders-- he'll carry your load, he'll help you out. He'll never let good people topple into ruin. (MSG)

February 5, 2010

86,400 Seconds

I am amazed with how much time we waste on stuff that will never really matter. Think about it for just a moment there are 86,400 seconds in one day. When you think how quick a second goes, it's quick and short. I am learning more and more that my time must be used in a wise way because each second is closer to the end. I know we do not enjoy talking about death but at the same time didn't God put us here on planet earth for a purpose? Well sure we would say yes, but do we fulfil that purpose? When you think about a second and how it can change the way we live. I love the fact we serve a God who does not keep us from all the harm in world, but he makes a promise to walk with us through any situation.

My prayer is that I can really focus on the love of Christ and come to a point to understand it is not about what I do but it's about who I am. Praise God I am not like everyone else and I praise God that you are different as well. Because with 86,400 seconds in one day God has called you and I to use them for his glory. On Tuesday we had to play a song in my english class...at first I felt it was stupid. Then a man from africa went up and played "You raise Me Up" by Salah. In that room he started to cry and giving God thanks for saving him from a war and bringing him to this country.

At that point I was able to see that 86,400 seconds became more then just another day for this guy, because of the pain and suffering he has been apart of in his life he knew that each day and each second counted. Many times we spend our time with our heads up in the air, in someone else's bussiness, or in front of the TV wasting time that God has put in our path to build the kingdom up. I have said it before I want to waste my time on God. I want to be last in this world, it's in my DNA and it's who I am. Hear me I love TV and I love the country I live in. I have a spritual side, but trust me I also have a way of digging into what is taking place in my world. I check all of the news website because it's amazing to see what changes in 86,400 seconds. But at the same time I also believe it is important for us to see that we have entertainment VS reality. This life is not about the $ sign in your bank. It's about Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:20...

So you have 86,400 seconds and the clock is ticking.....what are you going to do with it. The choice is yours!

Permanet By David Cook

You know I heard this long that last day on American Idol in 2008 but the lyrics didn't hit me until tonight as I was studying culture for one of my classes. The lyrics are powerful and amazing to me in many different ways. When I got online I read that he dedicated this song to his brother who died from cancer. So many times in life I believe we forget that we serve a God who is permanet through all the steps and events in our life.

Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?

Forgive my broken promise that you'll never see me cry

And everything, it will surely change

Even if I tell you I won't go away today

Will you think that you're all alone

When no one's there to hold your hand?

When all you know seems so far away

And everything is temporary, rest your head

I'm permanent

I know he's living in hell every single day

And so I ask, oh God is there some way for me to take his place?

And when they say it's all touch and go

I wish I could make it go away but still you say

Will you think that you're all alone

When no one's there to hold your hand?

When all you know seems so far away

And everything is temporary, rest your head

I'm permanent, I'm permanent

Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?

Forgive my promise that you'll never see me cry

February 3, 2010

He is the God of these people

I believe the more and more we start to see that God is God and we are not the more we are able to see his work at hand. I have been asking myself, Why did the earthquake in Haiti really shake me up? I believe I was able to see that God was so much bigger then just my world and country. As I watched the events unfold on TV and ask why? I am not able to see God's people pull together and see awesome things happen in midst of a tragic events. It really hit me one day we tend to vent about the church and our leaders. Even though I tend to become frustrated with the church at times. I need to be thankful that none of us have it perfect and we still need God. As I see churches, radio stations, tv stations, and others come together to do their part...it reminds me that the church is still at work. 
We need to be careful that we are not that old mam complaining about the welfare system, but yet he will not do anything to help a man back on his feet. I believe that God has placed a special calling on all of our lives and he has giving us all a duty. I believe all of those who went through this tragic event have that special calling to. Today in my class we had to turn in a essay over a song. A man was in their from a different country. He chose the song 'You raise me up" and spoke to us about how God had saved him and his kids. Because of war in his country him and his children would never have the chance they have now. A man with broken english raises his hands as the song plays and cries tears of joy. 

We serve a God who is more then a figure or idol. He is a living God who is active in our life and who desires relationships with his children. Let be careful to remember that he is the God of this City and all cities and countries. Haiti came at no surprise and at this time we are able to see that God is active by using you and I along with the supernatural! 


February 1, 2010

Teens on what a fatherhood

I am not sure how I found this online but I came across it and found it to be interesting. I has been amazing to find that many of our teens and children do not have a father at home. I don't believe it is just a race issue is has more to do with adults taking on responsibility. Even though my father passed away I am very thankful that he was apart of my life until I was 15. Because of that I understand things that can only come from a dad. One of my greatest memories was when we would teach me to mow they yard. He would mow a square and my job would be to stay in that square. He bought two mowers so him and I could spend that time together. 

I work with students who come from fatherless homes or they have had many men in their life. Now I believe this tough for girls, but the boys are the ones who seem to suffer the most. It is sad to see a young man angry at the world and struggle. Please hear me I can give you a list of young me who have not father at home but because of their mothers they are amazing kids. I have a couple of you that are just amazing kids when you consider their past. This is the reason mentorship is very important in a child's life. This is also something scripture is very clear on...we reach out to the fatherless and give a helping hand.


Anyone who knows me knows that I have a love for music. So tonight it would be no secret that I would watch the grammys. One of the most touching moments on their was when Michael Jackson kids accepted his grammy. I have never really expressed how I felt about Michael Jackson and I am really not going to go into great details. I believe he was an amazing artist and he made a huge impact on our culture. I also believe he had issues that you and I can not even imagine. For a man that was so famous he had so much drama that followed him. His death was a shock but the way he passed away came at no shock. As we look at Michael Jackson kids and how they starting to experience a "normal life." They no longer walk around covering their faces, they have been reported several times out with family members and at theme parks. I can't help but wonder how they dealt with the passing of their father. I believe something we should always respect is fact that these kids are human. My prayer is that they find there calling and not always have to live in there dad's shadow.

I also really got into the Black Eye Pea's performance I find their style to be amazing!

However my favorite was from Lady Antebellum and the song I need you now!

Fear is it good??

a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.
So many times in our walk of Christ we tell people to not have fear and to just trust in God. But it's natural to have fear of something in life. For me my fear is with in failure and it has been a struggle I have had for a while. Now it would be easy to blame in on my past, but I believe it has more to do with what I expect from myself and what others expect. For that reason I put off schooling because the fear of the classroom, I knew I needed something but it was something I needed to battle on my own and for God to show me a direction.

I can't but help but think that when our country was attacked on September 11th the fear people had as they called on the name of Jesus. Also I ask myself that when our troops are out fighting for our freedom what fear they must feel. The victims from Haiti the fear they have as I write this... I understand the Bible tells us to not fear and to to believe that Christ is our provider. I believe that 100% because the Bible is 100% true. However I have been asking myself could it be that fear also draws us closer to the cross.

Luke 22:41-44 He pulled away from them about a stone's throw, knelt down, and prayed, "Father, remove this cup from me. But please, not what I want. What do you want?" At once an angel from heaven was at his side, strengthening him. He prayed on all the harder. Sweat, wrung from him like drops of blood, poured off his face.
We all know and understand this story because this is a huge part of our faith. But I ask myself, what was Jesus thinking at this time. He knew how the story would turn out and he knew he had to do so. But the question is was this just stress or fear? I am not sure I have the answer, but he knew what was going to take place. As we continue to read we know his disciples fall asleep when he asked them to pray.
He got up from prayer, went back to the disciples and found them asleep, drugged by grief. He said, "What business do you have sleeping? Get up. Pray so you won't give in to temptation."
This is what I am starting to see more and more how God has such an amazing ability to show us that he doesn't really need us, he desires to use his children to bring Glory to his name because of the love he has for us. I believe we must have moments to where everything is upside down and we're not sure what direction to go. At that moment we allow him to have full control of our lives.

Now I also believe fear can be something bad as well when we do not take that step of faith that God has asked us to take because the fear of what man might think about us or for the fact we might lose everything.

John 12: 42-46 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.
When we have faith and we never confess it because of what people might think or the fact we might get in trouble should never looked at as ok. Because it is not and I believe some of the greatest people have been those who took a stand. I know people who look at the "law of the land" and believe that we should obey all of those and not risk getting trouble. I believe in obey the law of the land, however when it goes against what the Bible has made clear I can't for a moment believe that God will punish us for that. I mean look at Paul who was locked up. Paul knew he must do what is right in order for God's will to be done in life. For me in a class room I always respected other people beliefs, however mine were very clear. I have met some amazing teachers who the same thing and I have so much respect for that.

So fear can either draw us closer to the cross or further away from the cross. So fear can be good and bad. My prayer is that the fear I have I learn and day by day draw closer to the cross of Jesus Christ.