December 15, 2009

September 11, 2001

This spring break I have the chance to take a trip of a lifetime to New York. If you were to ask what am I looking forward to?? I would tell you going to ground zero and having the chance to show respect to the place that changed our lives. I will never forget the day for as long as I live. I was a young 19 year old working for Power 103 and KBCY. Our operations manager called everyone in to work around the clock. Then right after that I went to KTAB TV to work my shift and it was there when I knew my life had changed.

I will never forget the newsroom and how it felt....Bob Bartlett who was able to always hold back emotions cried several times on-air. Tom Brokaw lost it, Dan rather had to ask someone to take over for him for a bit. News people were n longer trying to get the top story. We all came together and were able to see Unity. But this what got me the most....the kids who lost parents. Bellow is a video that will make you cry and it is a little girl who lost her father in September 11.

More then anything else when I go I want to be there and I want to remember an even that brought me closer to my savior Jesus Christ. I knew at that moment that my life would be different. But also while I am there I want to honor those who gave their lives to rescue and keep in mind that even though I dont always understand God has a plan that is bigger than I. From what I hear from people that City is not the same. I love history! Most of all I love the people of history!

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