September 13, 2010

To Serve

There have been many times in my life I have seen a need and I didn't do anything to fulfill it. Then there have been other times in my life to where I have found away to fulfill it and I was able to see God work in away like never before. Before I go on, I must admit the hardest part of me being a pastor is doing something for someone in my group because I fill called and feeling bad because I can do it for anyone. I am better with that struggle but it is something that bothers me. It is only September and I am already attending meetings for our summer camp. Each year I pray about who is the one I am to sponsor. I remember this past year I kept praying and never had a clear answer. I was worried because right around the summer time I am battling payments from students, fund-raising, and parents. It's the favorite part of my job but most people do not understand the time that goes into this project. So my fear was that I was just frustrated and that wasn't allowing God to direct me. The weeks continued and I still didn't have anything.

Wednesday before camp a student showed up...this was a Wednesday that I wasn't even going to have youth group. But, students kept bugging me about bowling so I gave in and we all went to primetime. This student didn't have a clue he just showed up. At that point I heard God say "he is the one." For whatever reason my heart started breaking for him..I have know this young man for three years. So I pulled him aside and said "I believe God want's me to take you to camp." At that point he looked at me and a tear came out of his eye. I will never forget it he looked at me and went on to tell me this mess that he was in and that he was put on probation. Long story we got on the phone with his mother and then the next day I was on the phone with his probation officer that was one of my friends. I remember the probation officer saying "Nick, only you would do something like this, he has to be in your room and I am writing his pass right now"

While at camp he started to have this attitude with me, which surprised me because he is always good for me. I was becoming frustrated and I was about to say something and it was God's voice saying "Shut-up and serve him." I knew he was a kid who hugged all the time and loved a pat on the back. By day two I felt he was out of control and I had people coming to me...I was to the point of calling his mother to have him picked up. Then is worship Tim Palmer said God told him not to preach that was going to be in the way and God wanted to work. It was nothing but worship for an hour and as we left I was doing my youth pastor duty of getting my group to where they needed to be. He came up and placed his arm on me, I thought nothing of it because he does that all the time. He had sun glasses on, but I was thinking he just thought he was cool. Then the next thing I know his face is in my arms, saying "Nick I need God.'

That night he asked Christ to come in his heart as I write this I tear up a little. Because it was a couple of years of serving this young man. I started thinking to myself what would have happened if I was to become frustrated and get on to him. I don't know, but I what I do know is that I was able to witness something awesome. I would love to say he has always been in church, the Truth is he hasn't. To this day I still make it a point to call him and to encourage him. I pray daily for him and I believe that God has called me to not only to be a pastor to him, but a servant. Not to brag about what I have done, but the Glory of God!

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