May 16, 2011

Why compete?

Me and a good friend were talking the other day about how we make everything into a competition. I am just as guilty, even though I hate it. I have never been that big into it, even though I know some competition is a good thing. Today I am so happy to see more and more Godly people looking for quality and not just quantity.

This year for whatever reason I am taking the smallest number of students ever to church camp. After talking with someone about it, they asked a question that has been sticking with me. Can you lay down your head at night and sleep well?? The answer is YES! For the first time is the 8 years I have been at the church, each student has a caring adult on their side and ready to battle the things that life throws out. When I log on to Facebook and I see a leader saying to a student.... Good to see you at church and you are special to me, brings me great joy.

The leaders at the mission do everything with very little recognition. Because of that I want to say thank you to all of them. The relationships that have been built since we said we are going to take this a different route. What made me thank about this? When I had a student come up to me and say "We rarely tell you this, but thank you...we know when everything goes bad, you will be there...even if we stop going to church."

That comment really moved me, then I thought about's not about the numbers,but the one who know you have there back. Let's not just talk about that,but yet have no relationships. Let's show it with action one person at a time.

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